We are doing some gardening and here is some plant that we love and grown in our garden or in the house… In other words, this is a partial inventory of the plants in our garden.
* Phyllostachys Humilis (cultivated in a pot, outside) - 10/04/2005 * Moved from the pot into garden - autumn 2007 * Phyllostachys Bisseti (outside) - large leaf (last in the row) * Pseudosasa Japonica (outside) - large leaf * 2x Fargesia Robusta (outside) - medium/large leaf (just after the Wake Bonst) * Fargesia Nitida ''Wake Bonst'' (outside) - small leaf - flowered (seems to be dead ;-( * 2x Fargesia Murielae Mae (cultivated in a pot, outside) - small leaf and small * 2x Fargesia Rufa (cultivated in a pot, outside) - medium leaf and multitude of steams * 1x Pleioblastus Pyg. Distichus (outside in pot) - spring 2007 - la gaume * 1x Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" - new root to replace the "Wake Bonst" - currently in a pot - La Feuillerie 2009 * Phyllostachys aureosulcata - frozen in its pot during winter 2009-2010 * 2x Fargesia Robusta CV. Campbell 'Guan Xian' - first garden next to the edge with the neighbor * 2x Fargesia Jiuzhaigou 1'- 2015 * 1x Fargesia Jiuzhaigou genf - 2015 * 3x Fargesia Scabrida 'Asian Wonder' - 2015
* Cyperus Papyrus (inside) * Cyperus Alternifolius (inside) * Cyperus Haspan P15 (inside) - October 2006 - Floralux
* Euphorbia Martinii (X) (small part of the flower red) (outside) - March 2007 - Floralux * Euphorbia Polychroma (medium size) (outside) - 2006 - Libramont Gardening fest * Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae (outside) - 2006 - La Gaume pepiniere * Euphorbia Lathyris (outside) - most common in the garden * Euphorbia Characias "Wulfenii" - 2006 - very good but "maybe frozen" in winter 2009-2010 * Euphorbia Characias "Emmer Green" - 2010 * Euphorbia Characias "Wulfenii" - 2012 -> front raw
* Geranium Cinereum "Splendens" - pink - Floralux * Geranium "Ann Folkard" - mauve - Floralux * Geranium pratense "Mrs Kendall Clark" - blue - Floralux * Geranium "Terre Franche" - blue - Floralux * Geranium Cinereum "Laurence Flatman" - pink - Floralux * Geranium Wallichianum "Buxton's Variety" - blue - Floralux * Geranium "Stéphanie" (25 cm high) - blue - La Fleuillerie - very good (duplication is easy) * Geranium cantabrigiense "Biokovo" - white - next (right) to new area in from of the rus - very good (seeds are going everywhere) * Geranium "Summerskies" - Gerardmer 2014 - bamboo edge * Geranium pratense 'blue lagoon' - sberchamps 2014 * Geranium himalayense 'Plenum' - sberchamps 2014
* Clematis "Konigskind" Climador - 2007 - Beez gardening fest * Clematis "The President" - 2007 - Beez gardening fest
* Rosa Mme Paule Massad(G) - 2007 - Little Britain area * Rosa Rambling Rector - 2008 - (hex) - next to the Avelana Contorda * Rosa Elle (conte de chambord) - 2009 - (hex - Meilland) * Rosa "Benjamin Britten" - 2010 - via Alice&Vincent * Rosa Escapa - half-moon - Hex (2012) * Rosa Polluce - half-moon - Hex (2012) * Rosa Veilchenblau - hex 2014 * Rosa let's celebrate - hex 2014
* Reinette étoilée BT - 2009 (JP Laurent) * Malus D. Radoux RGF BT - 2009 (JP Laurent) * Malus D. Belle Fleur L. Mouche 2010 (JP Laurent) * (Pol) Malus Red Sentinel - 2014 (Beervelde) - Land II
* Mirabellier de Nancy - 2011 (JP Laurent) * Prune du prince de Gaume - 2008 (JP Laurent)
* Hosta Tardiana 'Halcyon'
* Hydrangea Querc. Tenessee Clone (outside - next to Cornus) - 22/10/2006 - La Gaume pépinière * Hydrangea Macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' (original outside - oldest) * Hydrangea Serrata 'Montaso' (outside in a pot - obtained in 2008 from Les Hortensias du Haut Bois 56800 Taupont, France) * Hydrangea Paniculata "Pinky-Winky" (10/10/2010 at Beez fair) * Hydrangea Strong Annabelle - 2017 NL (next to rampling rector) * Hydrangea Paniculata 'Grandiflora' - 2017 NL (next to contorda right) * Hydrangea Paniculata 'Vanille Fraise' - 2017 NL (next to contorda middle) * Hydrangea Paniculata 'Limelight' - 2017 NL (next to contorda left) * Hydrangea Paniculata 'Wim's Red' - 2019 BE Chevetogne (replace old rampling rector)
* Tulipe "Curvy Sue" - (area rounded/terrasse) * Tulipe "Queen of Night" - (area little britain) * Tulipe "Abigail" late - (area house) * Tulipe "Peach Blossom" - (area house) * Tulipe "Triumph" Synaeda Amor - (area house Land I) * Tulipe "Lily-flowering" Ballade - (area house Land I) * Tulipe "Double late" Lilac perfection - (Land I moon) * Tulipe "Single late" Angel's wish - (Land I moon) * Tulipe "Zurel mix"/ Triumph (2019)
* Narcissus "Dick Wilden" - (area haie/parterre) * Narcissus Tahiti - (area haie - right) * Narcissus 'Canary Bird' - Land II (Pascal's band) * Narcisuss 'Minnow' - Narcis Tazetta (Cornus/Sereinga parterre) - 2019
* Crocus 'Yalta' - Land I - 2014 Beervelde * Crocus Chrysantus 'Blue Pearl' - Land I - 2014 Beervelde * Crocus Sieb. ssp. subl. tricolor - Land I - 2014 Beervelde * Crocus Chrysantus 'Advance' - Land I - 2014 Beervelde * Crocus 'Spring Beauty' - Land I - 2014 Beervelde * Crocus 'Tricolor' (Cornus/Sereinga parterre) - Crocus sieberi ssp. sublimis - 2019 Gaume
* Muscari aucheri 'Mount Hood' - Land I - 2014 Beervelde * Muscari Comosum - Pommier-Mirabilier - 2019 Gaume
* Fritillaria Meleagris - Kievitseitje - oeuf de pintade (Pommier Mirabelier) - 2019 Gaume
* Leycesteria Formasa - autumn 2007 - Little Britain area * Teucrium Hircanicum (germandrée) - autumn 2007 - Little Britain area * Corylus Avellana Contorta (outside) - end 2003 - La Gaume pépinière * Cornus Florida Cherokee Sunset (outside) - 22/10/2006 - La Gaume pépinière * Hydrangea Querc. Tenessee Clone (outside) - 22/10/2006 - La Gaume pépinière * Lavatera maritima (in pot) - 2007 - Beez gardening fest * Echinacea Purperea 'Magnus' * Pieris "Forest Flame" * Lanvandula Angustifolia Blue Scent * Hibiscus syr. "Oiseau Bleu" - (area terrasse / in a pot) * Scabiosa Columbaria "Butterfly Blue" - (area terrasse / in ground) * Passiflora "Purple Haze" - (dead in June 2007) * Lonicera 'Henry I' - (haie/edge right) * Lonicera periclymenum * Lonicera Kamtschatica Morena (land II entrance) - Libramont, Godefroid Tellin, 2014 * Lonicera 'Lonicera hybrid Honey Baby' - Hex 2014 - (land I demi-lune) * Allium "Purple Sensation" - (area gran de graminee) * Allium "Jackpot" - (09/10/2010 Beervelde) * Allium x "Globux" - (09/10/2010 Beervelde) * Allium rosenbach "Early Emperor" - (09/10/2010 Beervelde) * Allium "Purple Rain" - (09/10/2010 Beervelde) * Allium "Purple Surprise" - Beervelde 2014 - Land I next to house lane * Allium "Powder Puff" - Beervelde 2014 - Land I next to house lane * Allium unifolium - Beervelde 2014 - Land I next to Vraja * Allium senencens - hex 2014 * Allium Cristophii - Celles 2017 - 60cm huge ball (parterre miscanthus jack) * Allium Lucy Ball - Celles 2017 - 100cm purple - (3 bulbes arbustes roses/ pres de la pivoine) * Allium Cristophii - Chassepierre 2017 - 40cm (mirabellier) * Allium Gladiator - Chassepierre 2017 - 120cm (mirabellier) * Allium Globemaster - Chassepierre 2019 (contorda) * Allium Gladiator - Chassepierre 2019 (contorda) * Allium Cameleon - Gaume 2019 - (pommier - mirabellier) * Allium Eros - Gaume 2019 (pommier - mirabellier) * Allium Aflatunense - Gaume 2019 (pommier - mirabellier) * Symphoricarpus Albus (Symphorine) * Acer pal. "Inaba-shidare" +f - via Alice * Mikoot - La Feuillerie - very good (first part of kitchen garden) * Sedum caut. "Lidakense" - (10/10/2010 Beez) * Sedum Red Cauli - spring 2014 gerardmer - new ground - rounded place (land II) * Sedum Pachyclados - spring 2014 Jardin d'Adoué - new ground - rounded place (land II) * Gaura "Siskiyou Pink" - (10/10/2010 Beez) * Cassis Noir - Ben Connan - (09/10/2010 Beervelde) * Humulus Lupulus (dead) - new from seeds * Thymus Praecox "Albiflorus" * Thymus Serpyllum * Nepeta Faasemii (herbe à chat) * Pennusetum Alopecuroides "Hameln" (2009 - la gaume?) * Pennusetum Rubrum - (2010) * Briza media "Limouzi" - (2010 Chiny gardening fest - Le bouillon blanc)) * Papaver "Pathy's plum" - (2009 hex next to Rosa "comte de chambord") * Delosperma ssp. asthtonii (fuschia pink) (2009) still alive? * Heuchera micrantha "palace purple" (2008) - next to acer * Lespedeza Thundergii (2006) dead/frozen * Aster amellus "Rudolf Goethe" - ?where? * Lavandula "Reg. Splendor" - frozen in our area * Perovskia Atriplicifolia blue (2008) - very good in our area * Buddleja Davidii "Empire Blue" - not very good (dead?) * Buddleja Davidii "Royal Red" (2013 - Avioth) * Hebe albicans - frozen in winter 2009-2010 * Campanula Poscharsk. "Lissugan Variety" * Salvia Verticillata "Purple Rain" * Lavandula Multifida "Blue Wonder" - to avoid with hard winter time * Rhubarb Mikoon? - celles 2009 - * Staphyllea Colchica - Aywiers 2012 * Vitis 'Boskoop Glory' - Gaume 2012 (discount) - next to insect hotel * Vitis 'Vroege van der Laan' - Libramont, Godefroid 2014 - land II (entrance second) * Vitis 'Boskoops Glorie (blaw)' - Beervelde 2014 - land II (entrance first) * Stachys Officinalis "Wonderbee?" - Aywiers 2012 - front raw * Cephalanthus Occidentalis - Hex 2012 - back * Digitalis Lanata - Gerardmer 2014 - new ground land II - rounded space * Primula Caporal Baxter - new ground land II - rounded space * Phlox 'Blue Paradise' - Gerardmer 2014 - next to bamboo space * Verbascum nigrum "albium" - Gerardmer 2014 - next to bamboo space * Vaccinium corymbosum 'Goldtraube 71' - Libramont, Godefroid 2014 - land II (second dead-edge - right) * Vaccinium corymbosum 'Spartan' - October 2014 - land II (second dead-edge - left) * Vaccinium corymbosum 'Duke' - October - land II (second dead-edge - left) * Potentille argirophylle - sberchamps 2014 - briel * Heptacodium miconiodides (h 080/100 co10) - spring 2015 - De Breuck Fabrice - land II (end left) * Chrysanthemum 'Nebelrose' - Beervelde 2015 - Land II Pascal's band * Chrysanthemun 'Brennpunkt' - Beervelde 2015 - Land II Pascal's band * Iris Boo (4034) - Beervelde 2015 - Land II Pascal's band * Iris Stockholm (4045) - Beervelde 2015 - Land II Pascal's band * Hemerocallis Doc. Holliday - Beervelde 2015 - Land II Pascal's band * Acer Japanese Jewels "Red Pilar" - Passion Jardin 2019 * Calycanthus x raulstonii "Hartlage Wine" - Passion Jardin 2019 (replace "rampling rector") * Dianthus Pluharious "James Porthan" - Passion Jardin 2019 * Sanguisorbsa "Tanna" - Passion Jardin 2019 * Eryngium Planum 'Blauer Zwerg' - Passion Jardin 2019 ("Next to old Cornus") * Virburnum Sargentii 'Onondaga' - 2019 Chevetogne (next to old rampling rector) * Paeonia Lactiflora (Bowl of Beauty) - 2019 Chevetogne (next to old rampling rector)
PEPINIERE BAMBOU EN BELGIQUE BAMBOUDUBOIS - 113, rue Bayet - 6180 Courcelles (BELGIQUE) - Tél/Fax +32 (0)71 45 51 20 http://www.bamboudubois.be bambou et camelia Pépinière Houzeauana - 18 rue des paturages - 7080 NOIRCHAIN - tél. +32 (0) http://www.houzeauana.com Bambous et graminées Le monde du Bambou (Jean Vastrade) - tel(0)2.374.43.10 http://www.bambous.be/