Extracting data from MISP using PyMISP¶
Recovering the API KEY¶
- Go to
Global Actions
thenMy Profile
- Access the
In [1]:
from pymisp import PyMISP
import urllib3
misp_url = 'https://training6.misp-community.org/'
# Should PyMISP verify the MISP certificate
misp_verifycert = False
misp = PyMISP(misp_url, misp_key, misp_verifycert)
In [1]:
import datetime
from pprint import pprint
import base64
import subprocess
Retrieving an Event¶
In [3]:
r1 = misp.get_event('bce908c7-4b01-49ed-a9d3-6addfe8cf3f8', pythonify=True)
r2 = misp.get_event(54, pythonify=False)
<MISPEvent(info=GRU Close Operation OCPW (NL)) <class 'dict'> GRU Close Operation OCPW (NL)
Searching the Event index¶
In [4]:
r = misp.search_index(pythonify=True)
Successful Scammer Call
Only published Events¶
In [5]:
r = misp.search_index(published=True, pythonify=True)
# print(r[0].to_dict())
[<MISPEvent(info=Successful scam call), <MISPEvent(info=Successful Scammer Call), <MISPEvent(info=Event created via the API as an example), <MISPEvent(info=Test Scam Call), <MISPEvent(info=Successful scam call), <MISPEvent(info=Handsome_Ransomware_1_2024_Lyon_69009), <MISPEvent(info=local event), <MISPEvent(info=Test distribution & sync), <MISPEvent(info=ddos in italy), <MISPEvent(info=Test), <MISPEvent(info=Test G1), <MISPEvent(info=ATM Vulnerabilities Allow Deposit Forgery Attacks), <MISPEvent(info=Dirty harry example), <MISPEvent(info=Kobalos - Linux threat to high performance computing infrastructure), <MISPEvent(info=Decaying example), <MISPEvent(info=Investigation Syrian Electronic Army Activities - Domain(s) Take over via Melbourne IT registrar), <MISPEvent(info=Spear-phishing attempt targeting telco sector), <MISPEvent(info=Test)]
Playing with time¶
Multiple type of timestamps for Events
: Timestamp of the last modification of the Event or its content (include Attributes, Objects, Tags, ...)published_timestamp
: Timestamp of the last publication of the Event- To generate report, you usually want to use
Multiple type of dates for Events
: Only events having a more recent date will be returneddate_to
: Only events having an older date will be returned- Both can be used at once to specify a time window
In [6]:
# Using string literal
sinceLastMonth = '30d'
# Using Python's datetime
sinceLastMonth = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
r = misp.search_index(published=True, publish_timestamp=sinceLastMonth, pythonify=True)
[<MISPEvent(info=Event created via the API as an example), <MISPEvent(info=ddos in italy), <MISPEvent(info=Test), <MISPEvent(info=Test G1), <MISPEvent(info=ATM Vulnerabilities Allow Deposit Forgery Attacks), <MISPEvent(info=Dirty harry example), <MISPEvent(info=Kobalos - Linux threat to high performance computing infrastructure), <MISPEvent(info=Decaying example), <MISPEvent(info=Investigation Syrian Electronic Army Activities - Domain(s) Take over via Melbourne IT registrar), <MISPEvent(info=Spear-phishing attempt targeting telco sector), <MISPEvent(info=Test)]
Data returned¶
Searching the index will only returns high-level information about the Event and its attached context
Can be useful for:
- Statistics about number of created Event
- Statistics about Organisation creating Event over time
- Statistics about distribution level usage
And, If Event correctly contextualized
- Statistics about type of incident
- Adversary tactics and techniques with MITRE ATT&CK usage
- Malware familly
In [7]:
event = r[4].to_dict()
event_properties = event.keys()
print('# Event properties')
print('\n # Event Tags ({0})'.format(len(event['EventTag'])))
print('\n # Event Clusters ({0})'.format(len(event['GalaxyCluster'])))
# Event properties ['uuid', 'info', 'distribution', 'threat_level_id', 'analysis', 'published', 'date', 'id', 'orgc_id', 'org_id', 'timestamp', 'publish_timestamp', 'sighting_timestamp', 'sharing_group_id', 'Org', 'Orgc', 'attribute_count', 'proposal_email_lock', 'locked', 'disable_correlation', 'extends_uuid', 'GalaxyCluster', 'EventTag'] # Event Tags (6) {'Tag': {'colour': '#004646', 'id': '51', 'is_galaxy': False, 'name': 'type:OSINT'}, 'event_id': '43', 'id': '68', 'local': False, 'relationship_type': '', 'tag_id': '51'} # Event Clusters (3)
Useful parameters¶
(Optional[str]) Filter events on attribute's valuepublished
(Optional[str, int])tags
(Optional[str, List[str]])date_from
(Optional[datetime, date, int, str, float, None])date_to
(Optional[datetime, date, int, str, float, None])eventinfo
(Optional[str, int])analysis
(Optional[str, int])distribution
(Optional[str, int])sharinggroup
(Optional[str, int])org
(Optional[str, List[[str, int]])timestamp
(Optional[datetime, date, int, str, float, None, List[[datetime, date, int, str, float, None], [datetime, date, int, str, float, None]]])- timestamp=(datetime.today() - timedelta(days=1))
- timestamp=['14d', '7d']
- timestamp=int(datetime.today().timestamp())
(Optional[datetime, date, int, str, float, None, List[[datetime, date, int, str, float, None], [datetime, date, int, str, float, None]]])
Retrieving data with RestSearch¶
The RestSearch
endpoint can be used on multiple scopes. It has more filtering parameters and is generally flexible.
Supported scopes (also called Controllers): events
, attributes
, objects
VS /attributes/restSearch
- Both endpoints support most of the parameter
- They differs in the data returned
returns the whole Event with its child elements (Attributes, Objects, Proposals, ..)/attributes/restSearch
returns all attributes
Getting only metadata: Do not include child elements (such as Attributes, ...)¶
In [8]:
r = misp.search(controller='events', metadata=True, pythonify=True)
[<MISPEvent(info=Successful scam call), <MISPEvent(info=Successful Scammer Call), <MISPEvent(info=Event created via the API as an example), <MISPEvent(info=Event created via the API as an example), <MISPEvent(info=Test Scam Call), <MISPEvent(info=Successful scam call), <MISPEvent(info=Ataque DDoS Paginas WEB7), <MISPEvent(info=Handsome_Ransomware_1_2024_Lyon_69009), <MISPEvent(info=local event), <MISPEvent(info=Test distribution & sync), <MISPEvent(info=ddos in italy), <MISPEvent(info=Test), <MISPEvent(info=Test G1), <MISPEvent(info=ATM Vulnerabilities Allow Deposit Forgery Attacks), <MISPEvent(info=Dirty harry example), <MISPEvent(info=Kobalos - Linux threat to high performance computing infrastructure), <MISPEvent(info=Decaying example), <MISPEvent(info=Investigation Syrian Electronic Army Activities - Domain(s) Take over via Melbourne IT registrar), <MISPEvent(info=Spear-phishing attempt targeting telco sector), <MISPEvent(info=Targeted phishing - PDF documents / phishkit), <MISPEvent(info=Test), <MISPEvent(info=VNC RFB feed), <MISPEvent(info=Test), <MISPEvent(info=GRU Close Operation OCPW (EN) (Elouan)), <MISPEvent(info=GRU Close Operation OCPW (NL)), <MISPEvent(info=GRU close access cyber operation against OPCW), <MISPEvent(info=GRU close access cyber operation against OPCW), <MISPEvent(info=Report netherland DISS Russia chemical weapon), <MISPEvent(info=GRU close access cyber operation against OPCW (User05)), <MISPEvent(info=Event created via the API as an example)]
Searching Attributes with RestSearch¶
Searching for values¶
In [9]:
r1 = misp.search(controller='attributes', value='', pythonify=True)
print('Simple value:', r1)
r2 = misp.search(controller='attributes', value=['', ''], pythonify=True)
print('List of values:', r2)
r3 = misp.search(controller='attributes', value=['9.9.%.%'], pythonify=True)
print('Wildcard:', r3)
Simple value: [<MISPAttribute(type=ip-src, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-dst, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-dst, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-src, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-src, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-dst, value=] List of values: [<MISPAttribute(type=ip-src, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-dst, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-dst, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-src, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-src, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-dst, value=] Wildcard: [<MISPAttribute(type=ip-src, value=]
Searching for types¶
In [10]:
r1 = misp.search(controller='attributes', type_attribute='first-name', pythonify=True)
r2 = misp.search(controller='attributes', type_attribute=['malware-sample', 'attachment'], pythonify=True)
[<MISPAttribute(type=first-name, value=Harry), <MISPAttribute(type=first-name, value=Jennifer), <MISPAttribute(type=first-name, value=Samantha), <MISPAttribute(type=first-name, value=John), <MISPAttribute(type=first-name, value=John), <MISPAttribute(type=first-name, value=russe 1)] [<MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=DirtyHarry.jpg), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=sunny.png), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=jennifer-spencer.png), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=samantha.png), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=DirtyHarry-Car.jpg), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=Figure-2.-Overview-of-Kobalos-features-and-ways-to-access-them.png), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=Figure-4.-Sequence-diagram-summarizing-Kobalos-network-protocols.png), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=syrian-conflict-spills-into-cyberspace-2013.pdf), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=sea-1.png), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=sea-2.png), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=Twitter DNS.jpeg), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=Twitter AE.jpeg), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=ppt+pressconference+ENGLISH+DEF.pdf), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=Screenshot from 2025-01-11 11-45-48.png), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=Screenshot from 2025-01-11 11-48-47.png), <MISPAttribute(type=attachment, value=Capture d'écran 2025-01-11 115159.png), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=bin(1).exe|0cdc9b1b45064e6315f83b150c0fc0eb), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=bin.exe|0cdc9b1b45064e6315f83b150c0fc0eb), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=nothing suspicious.exe|3fd4fc68e79c74f052729546acd08979), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=cryptolocker.exe|0cdc9b1b45064e6315f83b150c0fc0eb), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=this-is-not-malicious(2).exe|734b3fcc06d0a0eda6b83de9165636ac), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=malicious(2).exe|f1a3e62de12faecee82bf4599cc1fdcd), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=28f73ae365bde8c03d0f93ef73f71c086a026ac58f72b82bb2384c3a5ab42d02|9a58b7f8ba04c32c027126379456e444), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=56a73192c75130550294b327b36c051841d3780bd3732b410e0c190db6f9d936|164db8d1fe5f2ea9dd3ea826b2f0b808), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=ddcf49145d8c78198138a488b7f99bb4f760777be41b293138e4d5b531cebc73|08b49fb9882bfc8f69beb594fa543c8a), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=0fb825db2262d98e29846fa67171e3450666af9c0a6c31eaf8d7c84539be9132|1baa024f9cfab48b92c297aa406c91b5), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=c052025b442995f04a68b1b6b2007c36dbf47448c08dc249219a7f3eebd369c2|da877f4f7335264b03ac72fca5b305dc), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=f2676b94952018c220ee352b9857bc5ad62195b2d15cdfaf54fa5c5985d6934a|b830fd2997e1f124f34d77ff1fa9b89e), <MISPAttribute(type=malware-sample, value=New-Updated-docs.zip|b7245bf657e792328aaacbc6f75d1555)]
Searching for tags¶
is an optional field on Attributes to also include the tags at event level.
In [11]:
r1 = misp.search(controller='attributes', tags='tlp:red', includeEventTags=True, pythonify=True)
print('\tFirst Attribute Tag', r1[1].Tag)
r2 = misp.search(controller='attributes', tags=['tlp:red'], pythonify=True)
print('\tFirst Attribute Tag', r2[1].Tag)
[<MISPAttribute(type=ip-dst, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-dst, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=text, value=post), <MISPAttribute(type=email-dst, value=jatboss6@gmail.com), <MISPAttribute(type=first-name, value=russe 1), <MISPAttribute(type=ip-src, value=] First Attribute Tag [<MISPTag(name=tlp:red)>, <MISPTag(name=tlp:green)>] [<MISPAttribute(type=ip-dst, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=ip-dst, value=, <MISPAttribute(type=text, value=post), <MISPAttribute(type=email-dst, value=jatboss6@gmail.com), <MISPAttribute(type=first-name, value=russe 1), <MISPAttribute(type=ip-src, value=] First Attribute Tag []
Complex query
In [13]:
complex_query = misp.build_complex_query(or_parameters=['tlp:amber', 'adversary:infrastructure-type="c2"'])
r7 = misp.search(
print('Or:', len(r7))
[tag.name for tag in attr.Tag if (tag.name == 'tlp:amber' or tag.name == 'adversary:infrastructure-type="c2"')] for attr in r7[:5]
complex_query = misp.build_complex_query(and_parameters=['tlp:amber', 'adversary:infrastructure-type="c2"'])
r8 = misp.search(
print('And:', len(r8))
[tag.name for tag in attr.Tag if (tag.name == 'tlp:amber' or tag.name == 'adversary:infrastructure-type="c2"')] for attr in r8
Or: 56 [['tlp:amber'], ['tlp:amber'], ['tlp:amber'], ['tlp:amber'], ['tlp:amber']] And: 0 []
Searching on GalaxyCluster metadata¶
In [14]:
body = {
'galaxy.member-of': 'NATO',
'galaxy.official-languages': 'French',
events = misp.direct_call('/events/restSearch', body)
print('Events: ', len(events))
for event in events:
print('event', event['Event']['id'], 'has', len(event['Event'].get('Tag', [])), 'tag(s)')
Events: 30 event 28 has 5 tag(s) event 29 has 6 tag(s) event 30 has 0 tag(s) event 31 has 2 tag(s) event 32 has 21 tag(s) event 33 has 5 tag(s) event 34 has 0 tag(s) event 37 has 3 tag(s) event 38 has 0 tag(s) event 39 has 0 tag(s) event 40 has 5 tag(s) event 41 has 0 tag(s) event 42 has 0 tag(s) event 43 has 6 tag(s) event 44 has 0 tag(s) event 45 has 23 tag(s) event 46 has 2 tag(s) event 47 has 4 tag(s) event 48 has 11 tag(s) event 49 has 9 tag(s) event 50 has 0 tag(s) event 51 has 1 tag(s) event 52 has 2 tag(s) event 53 has 0 tag(s) event 54 has 3 tag(s) event 55 has 2 tag(s) event 56 has 3 tag(s) event 57 has 4 tag(s) event 58 has 1 tag(s) event 59 has 1 tag(s)
- Note 1: The
instructions are not supported by PyMISP - Note 2: Each
instructions are ANDed and are applied for the same cluster- Cannot combine from different clusters
- Combining
would likely gives no result
Searching on creator Organisation metadata¶
In [15]:
all_orgs = misp.organisations()
print('Organisation nationality:', {org['Organisation']['name']: org['Organisation']['nationality'] for org in all_orgs})
body = {
'org.name': 'CIRCL'
events = misp.direct_call('/events/restSearch', body)
print('Events: ', len(events))
print('Org for each Event:', [event['Event']['Orgc']['name'] for event in events])
Organisation nationality: {'CIRCL': '', 'ORG_1': '', 'ORG_2': '', 'ORG_3': '', 'ORG_4': '', 'ORG_5': '', 'ORG_6': '', 'ORG_Demo': '', 'ORG_Main': '', 'ORGNAME': ''} Events: 30 Org for each Event: ['ORGNAME_7544', 'ORG_Main', 'ORGNAME_7544', 'ORG_6', 'ORG_Main', 'ORG_Main', 'ORG_Main', 'ORG_Main', 'ADMIN', 'ORGNAME_7544', 'ORG_Main', 'ADMIN_6098', 'ADMIN_6098', 'CIRCL', 'CIRCL', 'ORGNAME_7157', 'Training', 'CIRCL', 'Training', 'EUROLEA', 'CIRCL', 'CIRCL', 'CIRCL', 'ORG_6', 'CIRCL', 'ORG_6', 'ORG_6', 'ORG_6', 'ORG_6', 'CIRCL']
- Note 1: The
instructions are not supported by PyMISP
In [16]:
r1 = misp.search(
type_attribute=['ip-src', 'ip-dst'],
limit=10, page=1,
uuid,event_id,category,type,value,comment,to_ids,date,object_relation,attribute_tag,object_uuid,object_name,object_meta_category "0bf65f60-d43f-4fde-8601-2fb45616e153",31,"Network activity","ip-dst","","Comment added via the API",0,1728029326,"","","","","" "b3eedfc4-8ffa-41a2-875b-6c3d0e4602b8",31,"Network activity","ip-dst","","",1,1728029303,"","","","","" "b68a0708-f851-4997-90a1-80847d1a4b8e",32,"Network activity","ip-dst","","",0,1728394456,"","","","","" "f52c63ce-fad1-47d3-b368-a461bf1fcee6",32,"Network activity","ip-dst","","",1,1727861958,"ip","","","","" "72bb7d16-61b3-4089-8a23-dd6d9d972f62",30,"Network activity","ip-dst","","",0,1728285118,"","","","","" "1fc09433-0a46-4f29-87fc-ad7c46956d14",34,"Network activity","ip-dst","","",1,1730210550,"","","","","" "d2c99598-5caa-4e70-81d8-a0d6e3074ef2",40,"Network activity","ip-dst","","",1,1734337516,"ip","","","","" "c8043d80-79f7-4a49-a3a8-138b5ad58bc9",41,"Network activity","ip-dst","","",0,1736332387,"","","","","" "dc022d94-e744-4d5d-933e-049efb1711b8",41,"Network activity","ip-dst","","",0,1736332552,"","","","","" "64ecccd7-710f-47b5-92ca-29f50857f8e9",41,"Network activity","ip-dst","","",0,1736333180,"","","","",""
Aggregated context with context-markdown
, context
and attack
In [17]:
# Get the context of Events that were created by organisations from the financial sector
body = {
'returnFormat': 'context-markdown',
'org.sector': ['financial'],
r2 = misp.direct_call('/events/restSearch', body)
# Aggregated context data ## Tags and Taxonomies ## Galaxy Clusters
Be carefull with the amount of data you ask, use pagination
if needed¶
: Specify the amount of data to be returnedpage
: Specify the start of the rolling window. Is not zero-indexed
If the size of the returned data is larger than the memory enveloppe you might get a different behavior based on your MISP setting:
- Nothing returned. Allowed memeory by PHP process exausted
- Data returned but slow. MISP will concatenante the returned data in a temporary file on disk
- This behavior is only applicable for
- This behavior is only applicable for
In [18]:
r1 = misp.search(controller='attributes', pythonify=True)
print('Amount of Attributes', len(r1))
r2 = misp.search(
print('Amount of paginated Attributes', len(r2))
Amount of Attributes 3855 Amount of paginated Attributes 5
Searching for Sightings¶
In [19]:
body = {
'last': '7d'
sightings = misp.direct_call('/sightings/restSearch', body)
[{'Sighting': {'Organisation': {'id': '8', 'name': 'ORG_6', 'uuid': '591c3fb6-4abe-4d47-b2ea-22e2299819e9'}, 'attribute_id': '199852', 'date_sighting': '1736587574', 'event_id': '49', 'id': '16', 'org_id': '8', 'source': '', 'type': '0', 'uuid': 'c842d893-b08c-4dd2-bbb1-6a617cad19ad', 'value': 'jatboss6@gmail.com'}}, {'Sighting': {'Organisation': {'id': '8', 'name': 'ORG_6', 'uuid': '591c3fb6-4abe-4d47-b2ea-22e2299819e9'}, 'attribute_id': '199852', 'date_sighting': '1736587770', 'event_id': '49', 'id': '17', 'org_id': '8', 'source': '', 'type': '0', 'uuid': '1793567b-111b-4e4b-bb5a-209442579b43', 'value': 'jatboss6@gmail.com'}}, {'Sighting': {'Organisation': {'id': '13', 'name': 'CIRCL', 'uuid': '55f6ea5e-2c60-40e5-964f-47a8950d210f'}, 'attribute_id': '199852', 'date_sighting': '1736587776', 'event_id': '49', 'id': '18', 'org_id': '13', 'source': '', 'type': '0', 'uuid': 'a1e4d774-6291-43b5-87b3-f7a263b033bc', 'value': 'jatboss6@gmail.com'}}, {'Sighting': {'Organisation': {'id': '8', 'name': 'ORG_6', 'uuid': '591c3fb6-4abe-4d47-b2ea-22e2299819e9'}, 'attribute_id': '199852', 'date_sighting': '1736587780', 'event_id': '49', 'id': '19', 'org_id': '8', 'source': '', 'type': '0', 'uuid': '5dfe4cf0-e1a0-4b95-b1c5-652b373dda1f', 'value': 'jatboss6@gmail.com'}}, {'Sighting': {'Organisation': {'id': '8', 'name': 'ORG_6', 'uuid': '591c3fb6-4abe-4d47-b2ea-22e2299819e9'}, 'attribute_id': '199852', 'date_sighting': '1736587781', 'event_id': '49', 'id': '20', 'org_id': '8', 'source': '', 'type': '1', 'uuid': '84fa0421-3d37-4c24-a6cc-58f3175cddd3', 'value': 'jatboss6@gmail.com'}}]
Plotting data¶
Sightings over time¶
In [20]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [21]:
# Converting our data to Panda DataFrame
sighting_rearranged = [sighting['Sighting'] for sighting in sightings]
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sighting_rearranged)
df["date_sighting"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date_sighting"], unit='s')
df['one'] = 1
/var/folders/rs/1d27yk155l9bjh_91m6655tr0000gn/T/ipykernel_57586/2015836940.py:4: FutureWarning: The behavior of 'to_datetime' with 'unit' when parsing strings is deprecated. In a future version, strings will be parsed as datetime strings, matching the behavior without a 'unit'. To retain the old behavior, explicitly cast ints or floats to numeric type before calling to_datetime. df["date_sighting"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date_sighting"], unit='s')
id | attribute_id | event_id | org_id | date_sighting | uuid | source | type | value | Organisation | one | |
0 | 16 | 199852 | 49 | 8 | 2025-01-11 09:26:14 | c842d893-b08c-4dd2-bbb1-6a617cad19ad | 0 | jatboss6@gmail.com | {'id': '8', 'uuid': '591c3fb6-4abe-4d47-b2ea-2... | 1 | |
1 | 17 | 199852 | 49 | 8 | 2025-01-11 09:29:30 | 1793567b-111b-4e4b-bb5a-209442579b43 | 0 | jatboss6@gmail.com | {'id': '8', 'uuid': '591c3fb6-4abe-4d47-b2ea-2... | 1 | |
2 | 18 | 199852 | 49 | 13 | 2025-01-11 09:29:36 | a1e4d774-6291-43b5-87b3-f7a263b033bc | 0 | jatboss6@gmail.com | {'id': '13', 'uuid': '55f6ea5e-2c60-40e5-964f-... | 1 | |
3 | 19 | 199852 | 49 | 8 | 2025-01-11 09:29:40 | 5dfe4cf0-e1a0-4b95-b1c5-652b373dda1f | 0 | jatboss6@gmail.com | {'id': '8', 'uuid': '591c3fb6-4abe-4d47-b2ea-2... | 1 | |
4 | 20 | 199852 | 49 | 8 | 2025-01-11 09:29:41 | 84fa0421-3d37-4c24-a6cc-58f3175cddd3 | 1 | jatboss6@gmail.com | {'id': '8', 'uuid': '591c3fb6-4abe-4d47-b2ea-2... | 1 |
In [22]:
print('Min and Max:', df['date_sighting'].min(), df['date_sighting'].max())
print('Time delta:', df['date_sighting'].max() - df['date_sighting'].min())
print('Unique Event IDs:', df.event_id.unique())
Min and Max: 2025-01-11 09:26:14 2025-01-11 09:29:41 Time delta: 0 days 00:03:27 Unique Event IDs: ['49']
In [23]:
# Grouping by Attribute value
value_count = df['attribute_id'].value_counts()
value_count.plot(kind='bar', rot=45)
attribute_id 199852 5 Name: count, dtype: int64
<Axes: xlabel='attribute_id'>
In [24]:
# Grouping by weekday (0-indexed)
amount_per_weekday = df['date_sighting'].dt.weekday.value_counts()
amount_per_weekday.plot(kind='bar', rot=0)
date_sighting 5 5 Name: count, dtype: int64
<Axes: xlabel='date_sighting'>
In [25]:
amount_per_weekday_for_each_attribute = df.groupby([df['date_sighting'].dt.hour])['one'].sum()
amount_per_weekday_for_each_attribute.plot(kind='bar', rot=0)
date_sighting 9 5 Name: one, dtype: int64
<Axes: xlabel='date_sighting'>
In [ ]: