Hackers and alike
People I met often asked what are the good books about the "free information" or the hacking community. Here is some, of course the list is not exhaustive ;-)
The community, its history and philosophy
- ISBN 0596006624 (alternate, search) Hackers and Painters: Essays on the Art of Programming, Paul Graham (en)
- ISBN 0141000511 (alternate, search) Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Steven Levy (en)
- A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, John Perry Barlow - http://homes.eff.org/~barlow/Declaration-Final.html (en) - http://www.teaser.fr/~apolatouch/dicFR.html (fr)
- ISBN 2912969298 (alternate, search) L'Ethique Hacker et l'Esprit de l'ère de l'information, Pekka Himanen (fr)
- ISBN 2841620204 (alternate, search) TAZ: Zone autonome temporaire, Hakim Bey (fr)
- Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman
Hacking, real life example
Hacking is only for computing ? of course not
Here is some examples of hacking outside computer science :