Mastodon -

Big news!

I’ll be at Open Source Summit Europe ( #OSSummit) in Vienna September 16-18. You’ll be able to find me working the #Valkey booth.

There is sure to be some big news about the project at this conference. 😏

Also: Co-located at Open Source Summit is the first ever #ValkeyDeveloperDay (Sept 19, the day after OSS EU).

I’ll giving the closing session about how Valkey makes you a better developer.

I’d love to see you there!

Sign up below:

Logo for Valkey Developer Day. 19 September 2024, Vienna, Austria hastag ValkeyDeveloperDay

@linux_mclinuxface Awesome! Do you have a Mastodon account for valkey to keep track of all the new changes? The recent performance improvements are really nice.

@linux_mclinuxface Maybe some highlight of interesting commits ?