What kind of photography?

cat -u, ƒ/2.0, 35mm, catu on flickr
In term of photography, I'm still a big naive photographer. I had this impression that photography still embraces freedom, the acceptance of unconventional artistic perspective and openness in terms of diversity. There are many photo groups on Internet and I decided to upload a photography to a group called street photography.
Then something happened, the picture was rejected. Reading the rules, it seems that the definition of street photography is more strict than expected. Then I decided to wander around various photography groups which are classified as street photography.
What I have seen in these groups with strict rules? A continuous stream of the same thing, a street, some people and that's it. So there is at least: two kind of definition of street photography. The one which is only a matter of inventory. But the most interesting one in my eyes is the wandering approach where you only expect the unexpected.
Taking your camera and getting lost, I love this. Each second is the beginning of a new world to photograph and sometime without a street and people.