Minimalist Queue Services (MQS) - XML-RPC calls definition
Minimalist Queue Services (MQS) - Basic API definition
This document describes the XML-RPC calls available. We hope that in
future the API will be available via some other protocol/interface.
valid for MQS version 0.0.9 and higher
- Purpose
mqs.GetMessage permits to retrieve the next message from
a specific queue. With a rdbms backend, the message is logically removed from the queue (flagged). With a flat file database backend, the message is really removed from the queue.
- Call
mqs.GetMessage(string auth, string queue )
- auth :: is the authentication string. For anomymous, the string should be empty.
- queue :: is the queue name. This should be a valid queue name existing on the mqs server.
- Return value
is the message itself if the queue is not empty.
- Purpose
mqs.GetMessageBulk permits to retrieve the next messages from
a specific queue. With a rdbms backend, the messages are logically removed from the queue (flagged). With a flat file database backend, the messages are really removed from the queue.
- Call
mqs.GetMessageBulk(string auth, string queue, int maxmessages )
- auth :: is the authentication string. For anomymous, the string should be empty.
- queue :: is the queue name. This should be a valid queue name existing on the mqs server.
- maxmessages :: is an integer containing the maximum messages to return.
- Return value
is an array containing the message(s).
- Purpose
mqs.SubmitMessage permits to submit a message into a
specific queue.
- Call
mqs.SubmitMessage(string auth, string message, string queue, string cid, int priority )
- auth :: is the authentication string. For anonymous, the string should be empty.
- message :: is the message that will be pushed into the specific queue.
- queue :: is the queue name specified for submitting the message.
- cid :: is the correlation id. (not used for the moment)
- priority :: is the priority of the message (an integer). The default priority for the queue will be used if priority is set to -1. (Ignored with a flat file backend)
- Return value
1 if the message is correctly stored in the queue.
- Purpose
mqs.SubmitMessageBulk permits to submit a message into a
specific queue.
- Call
mqs.SubmitMessageBulk(string auth, array message, string queue, string cid, int priority )
- auth :: is the authentication string. For anonymous, the string should be empty.
- message :: is the array of messages that will be pushed into the specific queue.
- queue :: is the queue name specified for submitting the message.
- cid :: is the correlation id. (not used for the moment)
- priority :: is the priority of the message (an integer). The default priority for the queue will be used if priority is set to -1. (Ignored with a flat file backend)
- Return value
1 if the messages are correctly stored in the queue.
- Purpose
mqs.DeleteMessage call removes the tagged message from a
specific queue. The messages are tagged with the mqs.GetMessage
call. This is generally used by the queue manager but this can used by
some other application if required.
- Call
mqs.DeleteMessage(string auth, string queue )
- auth :: is the authentication string. For anonymous, the string should be empty.
- queue :: is the queue name specified for deleting the tagged (retrieved) message.
- Return value
is the number of deleted messages.
- Purpose
mqs.TestEcho permits to test if the XML-RPC (or any other
interface) is working on the mqs server. The procedure is returning
the string passed as a parameter.
- Call
mqs.TestEcho(string message )
Return value : the message itself.
Sample code
MQS Error Code
- 1 : Unknown queue.
- 2 : Empty queue. e.g. not messages are available for mqs.GetMessage.
- 3 : Permission denied.
- 100 : Undefined error.
- 3xx : Specific mqsd server error.
MQS url definition
General definition : mqs://protocol/host:port/auth/queue-name/
- mqs :: is the fixed prefix to defined that is MQS.
- protocol :: is the string defining the procotol to be used.
- host:port :: is the string defining the hostname and the port required. If the protocol required it. If not 0:0 is used.
- auth :: is the string defining the authentication mechanism.
- queue-name :: is the string defining the name of the queue.
Copyright (C) 2003,2004 Alexandre Dulaunoy <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
Main Page
$Id:,v 1.10 2004/10/10 15:30:39 adulau Exp $
Copyrights (C) 2002,2003,2004 Alexandre Dulaunoy - released under the GNU Free Documentation License without any options