+----------+ | SHOWLOGO | +----------+ Purpose : ********* To Visualize a bitmap and check the BMP-file according the restrictions concerning the logo's to be used in the Belgian Election software. If the bitmap is too large - more than 128x26 pixels, but within the screen resolution of 640x480 pixels, the bitmap is displayed and the area which is too large is shown with a gray instead of a white background. Syntax : ******** SHOWLOGO.EXE should be provided WITHOUT EXTENTION is limited to MAXIMUM 8 CHARACTERS Remember SHOWLOGO.EXE is a MS-DOS program and that it is restricted to the 8.3 filename convention ! (8 characters for the filename and 3 characters for the extention) Users guide : ************* * Program and logo's should be in the same directory * Do not double click the program, but open a dos window (command for win9x, cmd for winnt/xp) in the directory where the program and logo's are located. * Start the test using above explained syntax. Workflow : ********** * First the 'Steria Company logo' appears for three seconds (hit a key to speed up the process) * A screen with some technical information is shown next. On the first line of this screen, the filename of your logo is shown. (notice the added extention .BMP) If a requirement is out of norm, it will be shown and commented. If the dimensions (WxH) exceeds its limits, an error 'BITMAP IS TOO LARGE' is given. Hit the C key to advance to the next screen. * On the next screen your logo will appear. If the dimensions (WxH) exceeds its limits, a grey array is shown, indicating the part of the logo that is out of boundary indications. Hit the T key to toggle the WHITE and BLACK color of the logo. (The background color will not be toggle by hitting the T key !) Hit the Q key to quit the program. Prerequisites of bitmap : ************************* * Dimensions (WxH in pixels) : 128x26 * Bits per pixel............ : 1 * Compression............... : no compression (BI_RGB) * Max colors used........... : 2 Assessment : ************ If no error is displayed and the logo appears without a grey zone, the concerned logo is within the requirements and valid for the electronic election purposes. _______________________________________ Copyright (C) Steria Benelux sa/nv 2003