There's quite a bit more to modules, references, objects, and web programming than we can possibly hope to cover in this one small chapter. A whole book could be written on CGI programming. In fact, dozens have been. For your continued research into these matters, check out the following reference list:
The LWP library from CPAN (runs under Windows NT with a few modifications - see the documentation for more information)
CGI Programming on the World Wide Web (Shishir Gundavaram, O'Reilly & Associates, 1996)
Web Client Programming with Perl (Clinton Wong, O'Reilly & Associates, 1997)
HTML: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition (Chuck Musciano & Bill Kennedy, O'Reilly & Associates, 1997)
How to Set Up and Maintain a Web Site, Second Edition (Lincoln D. Stein, Addison-Wesley, 1996)