INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Rec. No. : X.294 Title : OSI conformance testing methodology and framework for protocol recommendations for CCITT applications - requirements on test laboratories and clients for the conformance assessment process Study Group : VII - Data Communications Networks Version : New Date of adoption : 1992 Notes : Also published as ISO/IEC 9646-5: 1991 Conformance testing requires mutual understanding and agreement between the test laboratory and the client. This Recommendation addresses the roles of both the test laboratory and the client during the conformance assessment process, the need to reach mutual agreements between them, and the requirements on each of them. The conformance assessment process is the most visible process of conformance testing, where the results of test suite standardization are put to real use. This is also the stage at which there is potentially the most scope for variations to occur. As Recommendation X.294 is concerned with the relatively formal process of testing implementations, it is important that the number and nature of such variations is very limited. One of the major objectives of standardizing the conformance testing process is to achieve an acceptable and useful degree of comparability of results of conformance assessments of similar implementations. If this is to be achieved, not only should the same source of tests be used (i.e. as specified in standards), but also the methods of selecting and parameterizing these tests, and presenting their results, should be, to a large extent, the same. Recommendation X.294 addresses the issues which should be taken into account, by both the test laboratory and the client, if the necessary consistency of conformance assessment is to be achieved. The target audiences for Recommendation X.294 are the test laboratories and their clients. The test laboratory is responsible for conducting the conformance assessment of an OSI implementation at the request of a client. Typically, test laboratories are: a) organizations developing or supplying OSI implementations (first-party test laboratories); b) organizations willing to verify OSI implementations themselves before using them (second-party test laboratories); c) organizations, independent of suppliers or users of OSI implementations, whose business is the testing of such implementations (third-party test laboratories). Clients may be implementors or suppliers of real open systems or other OSI systems, who are applying for their own implementations to be tested. Alternatively, they may be procurers of those implementations, or any other interested party. The applicability of Recommendation X.294 is independent of the relationship between the client and the implementation. During the conformance assessment process, the client is responsible for the conformance statements accompanying the System Under Test (SUT) and for the configuration of the SUT. To order the complete text of this Recommendation, please use the Order Form for ITU-T Recommendations. An electronic version of this form is available on ITUDOC (Winword 2.0: UPI=ITU-5265; ASCII: UPI=ITU-2488).