C:\WINWORD\CCITTREC.DOT_______________ The drawings contained in this Recommendation have been done in Autocad. 12 Error recovery This section specifies the error recovery mechanisms for errors which may occur during the communication between a TLM terminal and a TLMAU. The type of recovery will depend upon whether the error occurred during the transmission of control information or a normal document. The recovery mechanism of Recommendation T.62 shall apply. In addition, the qualifications given in the following paragraphs shall apply. For both directions of transfer, if an error is detected during the trans- mission of a document containing control information, the transmitted part shall be discarded and the complete TAPDU retransmitted. If an error is detected during the transmission of a document contain- ing message body, the recovery mechanism depends upon the direction of transfer. In the TLMAU—to—TLM terminal direction, two possibilities for recovery are available, the first one is to apply the rules of Recommendation T.62 using CDC, the second one is the complete retransmission of the TAPDU. In the TLM terminal—to—TLMAU direction, three possible recovery mechanisms are identified, the choice of which is a national mat- ter: 1) No recovery is provided. The complete TAPDU (control informa- tion and message body) must be retransmitted. 2) The TLMAU shall retain the received part up to the last acknowl- edged checkpoint. The originating TLM terminal is required to resume the sending of the remainder of the TAPDU by using CDC protocol element as described in Recommendation T.62. The TLMAU shall automatically link the retained part with the resumed part prior to sending to the MTS. If the originating TLM terminal does not resume the sending within a predetermined time or if the TLMAU receives new TAPDU within that time, the TLMAU shall discard the received part of the TAPDU. 3) The last acknowledged normal document is considered the end of the TAPDU. The TLMAU will send this part to the MTS as a com- plete message. If the TLM terminal wishes to resume transmission of the interrupted TAPDU, it must first resend the control informa- tion. There is no correlation between the original message and the continued message at a receipient TLMAU or IPM—UA. Note 1 — For failures occurring between document boundaries, the last acknowledged document shall be regarded as the end of the current TAPDU. Note 2 — A TAPDU, which may be composed of more than one document, cannot be considered complete before at least two documents were received. Note 3 — If there is a relationship between the sequence of normal docu- ments (for example a multi—part body message) being transferred, the recovery mechanism 2 should not be used. 13 Control procedures 13.1 Session control procedure The session control procedures shall be in accordance with Recom- mendation T.62. However, the qualifications listed in the following subsec- tions shall also apply. 13.1.1 Session element of procedure The values of mandatory parameters used during session establish- ment shall be as given in Table 7/T.330. The format of the TLMAU terminal identifier shall be that specified in Recommendation F.200. 13.1.2 Session rules Change control (CSCC/RSCCP exchange) may occur inside TAPDU boundaries but should occur outside document boundaries. 13.2 Document control procedures The document control procedures shall be in accordance with Recom- mendation T.62. Control information is conveyed in either a control document or a normal document. Where encoded information types of the control informa- tion is Teletex, the body of the IP—message is conveyed in a sequence (at least one) of normal documents. Note — The use of the normal document for conveying control infor- mation should be restricted to Teletex access to IPMS. TABLE 7/T.330 Mandatory parameter values during session establishment Call Originator T.62 parameters TLM terminal TLMAU Terminal identifier of calling terminal (in CSS) TLM TID TLMAU's TID Terminal identifier of called terminal (in RSSP) TLMAU TID TLM TID Date and time Date and time the TLM terminal originated call Date and time the TLMAU terminal orig- inated call Service identifier Telematic Telematic Window size Note 1 Note 1 Session user data Basic terminal capabil- ities and interchange format(s) which are available as receiving capabilities of the TLM terminal (Note 1) Basic terminal capabil- ities and interchange format(s) which are available as receiving capabilities of the TLMAU (Note 1) Note 1 — This parameter is mandatory for the Group 4 facsimile service. Note 2 — TID means terminal identification. Note 3 — Negotiation of the capabilities of handling control documents encoded in T.61 characters is not needed. In a multiple—TAPDU session, the TAPDUs are delimited by at least one of the following methods: 1) implicity, that is, by the first document of the TAPDU being a con- trol document; 2) explicitly, that is, by the first document of the TAPDU containing a parameter indicating the number of subsequence documents in the TAPDU. Note — The second method is mandatory for multiple—action—unit ses- sion, where the first document of the TAPDU is a normal document. When a single TAPDU is sent on a session connection, the TAPDU is delim- ited only by the end of the session. 13.3 Log—on procedure It is conceivable that many subscribers will commonly use a single TLM terminal, some mechanism is required to identify a specific user by intermediate system, i.e. log—on procedure using user name and password. Detailed procedure requires further study. ANNEX A (to Recommendation T.330) Formal definition of TLMA abstract service This Annex is an integral part of this Recommendation. This Annex, a supplement to § 7, formally defines for reference pur- poses the abstract service TLMA (telematic agent). It uses the PORT and ABSTRACT—BIND, —UNBIND, —OPERATION, and — ERROR macro of Recommendation X.407. TLMAAbsService { ccitt—t330 } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN —— Prologue EXPORTS —— Primary port types miscellanea IMPORTS —— Abstract service origination, reception, management FROM IPMSAbstractService { joint—iso—ccitt mhs(6) ipms(1) modules(0) abstract—service(3) } import, export FROM MTSAbstractService { joint—iso—ccitt mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0) mTS—abstract—ser- vice(3) } —— Information objects and their aspects IPM, RN, NRN FROM IPMSInformationObjects { joint—iso—ccitt mhs(6) ipms(1) modules(0) information— objects(2) } —— Functional objects tlma FROM IPMSFunctionalObjects { joint—iso—ccitt mhs(6) ipms(1) modules(0) functional— objects(1) } —— MTAS aspects MessageDeliveryEnvelope, ORName, MessageIdentifier, Prior- ity, Time, ReportDeliveryEnvelope, PerRecipientReportDeliveryFields FROM MTSAbstractService { joint—iso—ccitt mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0) mTS—abstract—ser- vice(3) } —— Abstract services macros OBJECT, PORT, ABSTRACT—BIND, ABSTRACT— ERROR, ABSTRACT—OPERATION FROM AbstractServiceNotation { joint—iso—ccitt mhs(6) adsdc(2) modules(0) notation(1) } DateandTime ::= Time —— Object tlma OBJECT PORTS { origination [S], reception [S], management [S], miscellanea [S], import [C], export [C] } ::= id—ot—tlma —— Ports miscellanea PORT SUPPLIER PERFORMS { ChangeSubscriptionProfile, DSList, DSDelete, DSFetch, MessageStatus } ::= id—pt—miscellanea TLMAAbsService (continuation) —— Miscellanea port specific abstract error problems SubscriptionProfileProblem ::= ENUMERATED { not—changed(0) } DSProblem ::= ENUMERATED { no—message—in—ds(0), ds—not—supported(1), ds—not—subscribed(2), retrieval—identifier—invalid(3), parameter—invalid(4) } MessageStatusProblem ::= ENUMERATED { query—identifier—invalid(0) } —— RetrievalIdentifier RetrievalIdentifier ::= PrintableString —— CallIdentification CallIdentification ::= SEQUENCE { TLMAU TID [0] TerminalIdentifier, TLM TID [1] TerminalIdentifier, date—and—time [2] DateAndTime, document—ref—num [3] DocumentReferenceNumber, additional—session—ref—num [4] AdditionalSessionReferenceNumber OPTIONAL } TerminalIdentifier ::= PrintableString —— defined in Recommendation F.200 —— DocumentReferenceNumber ::= NumericString AdditionalSessionReferenceNumber ::= NumericString —— Change subscription profile abstract operation component types DSMode ::= SET { [0] Mode, frequency [1] Frequency OPTIONAL, time [2] DateandTime OPTIONAL } Mode ::= CHOICE { [0] auto—output, [1] retrieval } Frequency ::= NumericString —— in minutes —— ErrorRecoveryMode ::= CHOICE { —— see § 12 in this Recommendation —— [0] recovery—1, —— no—recovery —— [1] recovery—2, —— full—support—of—T.62—recovery—procedures — — [2] recovery—3 —— recovery—of—document—basis —— } MessageDeleteMode ::= CHOICE { [0] auto—delete, [1] manual—delete } —— DS List abstract operation component types ListReport ::= SET { retrieval—id [0] RetrievalIdentifier, message—type [1] MessageType, priority [2] Priority OPTIONAL, message—length [3] MessageLength OPTIONAL, originator—name [4] ORName OPTIONAL } MessageType ::= CHOICE { [0] ipm, [1] receipt—notice, [2] non—receipt—notice, [3] report } MessageLength ::= NumericString —— in octet —— TLMAAbsService (continuation) —— DS Fetch abstract operation component types DeleteAfterOutput ::= CHOICE { [0] delete, [1] keep } MessageReport ::= CHOICE { ipm—fetch [0] IPMFetch, rn—fetch [1] RNFetch, nrn—fetch [2] NRNFetch, report—fetch [3] ReportFetch } IPMFetch ::= SEQUENCE { envelope [0] MessageDeliveryEnvelope, content [1] IPM } RNFetch ::= SEQUENCE { envelope [0] MessageDeliveryEnvelope, —— not used intended—recipient—name and other recipient—name of deliver—envelope in RNFetch —— content [1] RN } } NRNFetch ::= SEQUENCE { [0] number—of—docs [0] NumberOfAssociatedDocuments OPTIONAL, [1] SET { envelope [1] MessageDeliveryEnvelope, —— not used intended—recipient—name and other recipient—name of deliver—envelope in NRNFetch —— content [2] NRN } } ReportFetch ::= SEQUENCE { [0] SET { number—of—docs [0] NumberOfAssociatedDocuments OPTIONAL, call—id [1] CallIdentification }, [1] SET { envelope [0] ReportDeliveryEnvelope, returned—content [1] IPM OPTIONAL } } } NumberOfAssociatedDocuments ::= NumericString —— Message status abstract service QueryIdentifier ::= CHOICE { submission—id [0] MessageIdentifier, call—id [1] CallIdentification } StatusInfo ::= SET { [0] Status, per—recipient—info [1] PerRecipientReportDeliveryFields OPTIONAL } Status ::= CHOICE { [0] in—process, [1] delivered, [2] non—delivered } —— Miscellanea abstract—operations ChangeSubscriptionProfile ::= ABSTRACT—OPERATION ARGUMENT SET { ds—mode [0] DSMode OPTIONAL, error—recovery—mode [1] ErrorRecovery- Mode OPTIONAL, message—delete—mode [2] MessageDelete- Mode OPTIONAL } RESULT { } ERRORS { name—error, ds—error, subscription—profile—error } TLMAAbsService (continuation) DSList ::= ABSTRACT—OPERATION ARGUMENT { } RESULT SET { list—reports [0] SET OF ListReport OPTIONAL } ERRORS { subscription—error, name—error, ds—error } DSDelete ::= ABSTRACT—OPERATION ARGUMENT SET { selector [0] SET OF RetrievalIdentifier } RESULT ERRORS { subscription—error, name—error, ds—error } DSFetch ::= ABSTRACT—OPERATION ARGUMENT SET { selector [0] SET OF RetrievalIdenti- fier, delete—after—output [1] DeleteAfterOutput OPTIONAL } RESULT SET { retrieval—id [0] RetrievalIdentifier, message—report [1] MessageReport } ERRORS { subscription—error, name—error, ds—error } MessageStatus ::= ABSTRACT—OPERATION ARGUMENT SET { [0] QueryIdentifier } RESULT SET { report—time [0] DateandTime, reported—message—id [1] MessageIdentifier, reported—message—id [2] SET OF StatusInfo } ERRORS { subscription—error, name—error, message—status—error } —— Miscellanea port specific abstract errors subscription—profile—error ABSTRACT—ERROR PARAMETER SET { problem [0] SubscriptionProfileProblem } ::= 0 ds—error ABSTRACT—ERROR problem [0] DSProblem } ::= 1 message—status—error ABSTRACT—ERROR PARAMETER SET { problem [0] MessageStatusProblem } ::= 2 END —— of TLMAAbsService ANNEX B (to Recommendation T.330) Format of TAPDU components In this Annex the formats of the control information for different examples TAPDUS are shown. The principles of encoding are given in § 11. The formats of elements as defined in § 11 are illustrated by the use of the following four different syntax elements: 1) The elements number field is represented by a sequence of numeric graphic characters. 2) The element name field is represented by a text string giving the CCITT language reference name of the field. The actual value shall be a language—dependent representation of that reference name. 3) Separators are shown as they shall be represented in the actual con- trol information. 4) Element value fields are shown in square brackets (“[” and “]”). The actual parameter values are described in § 11. Note — The examples shown below are not exhaustive. Not all types (ele- ment value of the TAPDU description in § 10 (ASN.1 description) are included. B.1 Conventions Following symbols are used in this Annex: 1) NL new line function such as (CR LF or LF CR) or LF. 2) space character. 3) [ ] element value field. Actual values are defined in § 11 of this Rec- ommendation. 4) [ ] iteration. B.2 Example of TAPDU B.2.1 Send—TAPDU 3.1: SEND: 62: QUANTITY—OF—DOCS:[number—of—docs] 13: PRIORITY:[priority—ind] 19: FLAGS: [deferred—delivery—time] `NL` =[disclose—recipients],[alternate—recipient—allowed] 16: CONVERSION:[conversion—prohibited] 17: CONTENT—INFO:[content—return—request] 27: THIS—IPM: [this—ipm—id] 20: FROM: [originating—user] 21: AUTHORIZING: [ [authorizing—user] `NL` ] 22: TO: [ [primary—recipient] `NL` =[user—report—request],[rn—request],[nrn—request],[re- turn—request],[reply—request] `NL` ] 23: CC: [ [copy—recipient] `NL` =[rn—request],[nrn—request],[return—request],[reply— request] `NL` ] 24: BCC: [ [blind—copy—recipient] `NL` ] 30: REPLIED—TO—IPM: [replied—to—ipm—id] 29: OBSOLETES: [ [obsoleted—ipm—id] `NL` ] 28: RELATED—IPMS: [ [related—ipm—id] `NL` ] 26: SUBJECT: [subject—content] 18: CONTENT—INDICATOR: [expiry—time] `NL` =[importance],[sensitivity] 25: REPLY: [reply—time] `NL` [ [reply—recipient] `NL` ] 31: BODY—TYPE: [ [body—part], ] B.2.2 SendAck—TAPDU 3.14: SEND—ACK: 1: CORRELATION—INFORMATION: [call—id] 65: SUBMISSION—ID: [submission—msg—id] 33: SUBMISSION—TIME: [submission—time] B.2.3 Exception—TAPDU 3.12: EXCEPTION: 1: CORRELATION—INFORMATION: [call—id] 9: ERRORS: [error—cause] B.2.4 Probe—TAPDU 3.2: PROBE: B.2.5 ProbeAck—TAPDU 3.15: PROBE—ACK: 1: CORRELATION—INFORMATION: [call—id] 66: PROBE—ID: [probe—msg—id] 33: SUBMISSION—TIME: [submission—time] B.2.6 ExplicitRN—TAPDU 3.6: EXPLICIT—RN: 15: RECIPIENTS: [recipient—name] 13: PRIORITY:[priority—ind] 71: SUBJECT—IPM: [subject—ipm—id] 69: IPN—ORIGINATOR: [ipn—originating—user] 47: TIME—OF—RECEIPT: [receipt—time] 44: CONVERTED—INFORMATION—TYPES: [ [eIT], ] B.2.7 ExplicitRNAck—TAPDU 3.16: EXPLICIT—RN—ACK: 1: CORRELATION—INFORMATION: [call—id] 65: SUBMISSION—ID: [submission—msg—id] 33: SUBMISSION—TIME: [submission—time] B.2.8 Cancel—TAPDU 3.13: CANCEL: 65: SUBMISSION—ID: [submission—msg—id] 1: CORRELATION—INFORMATION: [call—id] B.2.9 Deliver—TAPDU 3.3: DELIVER: 62: QUANTITY—OF—DOCS:[number—of—docs] 13: PRIORITY:[priority—ind] 14: ORIGINATOR: [originator—name] 39: THIS—RECIPIENT: [this—recipient—name] 40: INTENDED—RECIPIENT: [intended—recipient—name] 41: OTHER—RECIPIENTS: [ [other—recipient—name] `NL` ] 33: SUBMISSION—TIME: [submission—time] 35: DELIVERY—ID: [delivery—msg—id] 42: CONVERSION—INDICATION: [ [eIT], ] [conversion—prohibition] 44: CONVERTED—INFORMATION—TYPES: [ [eIT], ] 27: THIS—IPM: [this—ipm—id] 20: FROM: [originating—user] 21: AUTHORIZING: [ [authorizing—user] `NL` ] 22: TO: [ [primary—recipient] `NL` =[rn—request],[nrn—request],[return—request],[reply— request] `NL` ] 23: CC: [ [copy—recipient] `NL` =[rn—request],[nrn—request],[return—request],[reply— request] `NL` ] 24: BCC: [ [blind—copy—recipient] `NL` =[rn—request],[nrn—request],[return—request],[reply— request] `NL` ] 30: REPLIED—TO—IPM: [replied—to—ipm—id] 29: OBSOLETES: [ [obsoleted—ipm—id] `NL` ] 28: RELATED—IPMS: [ [related—ipm—id] `NL` ] 26: SUBJECT: [subject—content] 18: CONTENT—INDICATOR: [expiry—time] `NL` =[importance],[sensitivity],[autoforwarded] 25: REPLY: [reply—time] `NL` [ [reply—recipient] `NL` ] 67: EXTENSIONS: [ [extension—type] `NL` [extension—value] `NL` ] 31: BODY—TYPE:[body—part] 32: FORWARDED—INFO: [forwarded—time] `NL` //The delivery—envelope follows. B.2.10 ReceiptStatusNotice—TAPDU 3.5: RECEIPT—STATUS—NOTICE: 62: QUANTITY—OF—DOCS:[number—of—docs] 13: PRIORITY:[priority—ind] 35: DELIVERY—ID: [delivery—id] 14: ORIGINATOR: [originator—name] 39: THIS—RECIPIENT: [this—recipient—name] 33: SUBMISSION—TIME: [submission—time] 4: TIME—OF—DELIVERY: [delivery—time] 42: CONVERSION—INDICATION: [ [eIT], ] [conversion—prohibition] 44: CONVERTED—INFORMATION—TYPES: [ [eIT], ] 43: NOTIFICATION—TYPE:[report—type] 71: SUBJECT—IPM: [subject—ipm—id] 69: IPN—ORIGINATOR: [ipn—originating—user] 70: PREFERRED—RECIPIENT: [preferred—recipient] //The following three elements appear in case of RN. 47: TIME—OF—RECEIPT: [receipt—time] 48: TYPE—OF—RECEIPT: [type—of—receipt] 68: SUPPLEMENTARY—INFORMATION: [suppl—receipt—info] //The following three elements appear in case of NRN. 49: NON—RECEIPT—INFO: [non—receipt—reason],[discard—reason] 50: COMMENTS: [comments] 51: MESSAGE—RETURNED—INDICATION: B.2.11 DeliveryStatusNotice—TAPDU 3.4: DELIVERY—STATUS—NOTICE: 62: QUANTITY—OF—DOCS:[number—of—docs] 1: CORRELATION—INFORMATION: [call—id] 65: SUBMISSION—ID: [submission—msg—id] 66: PROBE—ID: [probe—msg—id] [ //repeated for each recipient 3: REPORTED—RECIPIENT: [reported—recipient—name] 43: NOTIFICATION—TYPE:[report—type] 40: INTENDED—RECIPIENT: [intended—recipient—name] 44: CONVERTED—INFORMATION—TYPES: [ [eIT], ] //The following three elements appear in case of DN. 4: TIME—OF—DELIVERY: [delivery—time] 45: TYPE—OF—UA: [type—of—ua] 68: SUPPLEMENTARY—INFORMATION: [suppl—info] //The following two elements appear in case of NDN. 46: NON—DELIVERY—REASON: [reason—code],[diagnostic—code] ] 72: CONTENT—RETURNED—INDICATION: B.2.12 Register—TAPDU 3.11: REGISTER: 73: EXPIRED—DISCARD:[discard—ipm] 74: OBSOLETED—DISCARD:[discard—ipm] 76: AUTO—FWD—IPMS: [auto—fwd—ipms] 77: AUTO—FWD—RECIPIENTS: [ [auto—fwd—recipient], ] 78: AUTO—FWD—HEADING: [auto—fwd—heading] 79: AUTO—FWD—COMMENT: [auto—fwd—comment] 58: DS—MODE:[ds—mode] 59: TLMAU—OPERATION:[error—recovery—mode],[auto— acknowledgement] 60: AUTO—OUTPUT: [frequency] `NL` [output—time] 81: MESSAGE—DELETE—MODE:[message—delete—mode] //and other components require further study. B.2.13 RegisterAck—TPDU 3.11: REGISTER—ACK: B.2.14 DSQuery—TAPDU 3.7: DS—QUERY: B.2.15 DSReport—TAPDU 3.8: DS—REPORT: [ //repeated for each message 38: RETRIEVAL—ID: [retrieval—id] 52: MESSAGE—TYPE:[message—type] 14: ORIGINATOR: [originator—name] 13: PRIORITY:[priority—ind] 37: MESSAGE—LENGTH:[message—length] ] B.2.16 MessageDelete—TAPDU 3.18: MESSAGE—DELETE: 82: MESSAGE—SELECTOR: [ [retrieval—id] `NL` ] B.2.17 OutputRequest—TAPDU 3.9: OUTPUT—REQUEST: [ //repeated for each retrieval identifier 38: RETRIEVAL—ID: [retrieval—id] 80: DELETE—AFTER—OUTPUT:[delete—after—output] ] B.2.18 OutputMessage—TAPDU 3.10: OUTPUT—MESSAGE: [ //repeated for each message 62: QUANTITY—OF—DOCS:[number—of—docs] 38: RETRIEVAL—ID: [retrieval—id] 52: MESSAGE—TYPE:[message—type] 4: TIME—OF—DELIVERY: [delivery—time] ] The remaining Components of this TAPDU are identical to the com- ponents in the Delivery. DeliveryStatusNotice and ReceiptStatusNotice— TAPDU. The actual components to be used depend upon the Message Type parameter value specified in the Message Type component. B.2.19 StatusQuery—TAPDU 3.19: STATUS—QUERY: 14: ORIGINATOR: [originator—name] 65: SUBMISSION—ID: [submission—msg—id] 1: CORRELATION—INFORMATION: [call—id] B.2.20 StatusReport—TAPDU 3.20: STATUS—REPORT: 1: CORRELATION—INFORMATION: [call—id] 84: TIME—OF—REPORT: [report—time] 75: REPORTED—MESSAGE—ID: [reported—message—id] [ //repeated for each message 83: MESSAGE—STATUS: [status] 4: TIME—OF—DELIVERY: [delivery—time] 45: TYPE—OF—UA: [type—of—ua] 46: NON—DELIVERY—REASON: [reason—code],[diagnostic—code] ] ANNEX C (to Recommendation T.330) Element ID list This Annex provides a table which maps the coding of TAPDU and the corresponding element ID. The element ID list Table C—1/T.330 comprises: 1) The first column contains the element number and element name, as defined in § 11 of this Recommendation. 2) The second column contains the TAPDUId or ElementId name defined in § 10 of this Recommendation. 3) The third column contains the type of the TAPDU element, defined in § 10 of this Recommendation. 4) The fourth column contains the Remarks. TABLE C—1/T.330 Element ID list TAPDUId/element ID Name Type Remarks 3.1:SEND: send — 3.2:PROBE: probe — 3.3:DELIVER: deliver — 3.4:DELIVERY—STATUS— NOTICE: deliveryStatus- Notice — 3.5:RECEIPT—STATUS— NOTICE: receiptStatus- Notice — 3.6:EXPLICIT—RN: explicitRN — 3.7:DS—QUERY: dsQuery — 3.8:DS—REPORT: dsReport — 3.9:OUTPUT—REQUEST: outputRequest — 3.10:OUTPUT—MESSAGE: outputMessage — 3.11:REGISTER: register — 3.12:EXCEPTION: exception — 3.13:CANCEL: cancel — 3.14:SEND—ACK: sendAck — 3.15:PROBE—ACK: probeAck — 3.16:EXPLICIT—RN—ACK: explicitRNAck — 3.17:REGISTER—ACK: registerAck — 3.18:MESSAGE—DELETE: messageDelete — 3.19:STATUS—QUERY: statusQuery — 3.20:STATUS—REPORT: statusReport — 1:CORRELATION—INFOR- MATION: correlationInfo Primitive 2: Reserved for CF 3:REPORTED—RECIPIENT: reportedRecip- ient Primitive 4:TIME—OF—DELIVERY: timeOfDeliv- ery Primitive 5: Reserved for CF 6: Reserved for CF 7: Reserved for CF 8: Reserved for CF 9:ERRORS: errors Primitive 10: Reserved for CF 11: Reserved for CF 12:RECEIVED—TID: Reserved for CF 13:PRIORITY: priority Primitive 14:ORIGINATOR: originator Con- structor 15:RECIPIENTS: recipients Con- structor 16:CONVERSION: conversion Primitive 17:CONTENT—INFO: contentInfo Con- structor 18:CONTENT—INDICATOR: contentIndica- tor Con- structor 19:FLAG: per Message Indicator Con- structor TABLE C—1/T.330 (cont.) TAPDUId/element ID Name Type Remarks 20:FROM: from Primitive 21:AUTHORIZING: authorizing Con- structor 22:TO: to Con- structor 23:CC: cc Con- structor 24:BCC: bcc Con- structor 25:REPLY: reply Con- structor 26:SUBJECT: subject Primitive 27:THIS—IPM: thisIPM Primitive 28:RELATED—IPMS: relatedIPMS Con- structor 29:OBSOLETES: obsoletedIPMS Con- structor 30:REPLIED—TO—IPM: repliedToIPM Primitive 31:BODY—TYPE: bodyType Con- structor 32:FORWARDED—INFO: forwardedInfo Con- structeur For fur- ther study 33:SUBMISSION—TIME: submission- Time Primitive 34:LATEST—DELIVERY: date and time Primitive 35:DELIVERY—ID: deliveryId Primitive 36:RETURN—ADDRESS: return address Primitive 37:MESSAGE—LENGTH: message- Length Primitive 38:RETRIEVAL—ID: retrievalId Primitive 39:THIS—RECIPIENT: thisRecipient Primitive 40:INTENDED—RECIPIENT: intendedRecip- ient Primitive 41:OTHER—RECIPIENTS: otherRecipi- ents Con- structor 42:CONVERSION—INDICA- TION: conversion- Indication Con- structor 43:NOTIFICATION—TYPE: notification- Type Primitive 44:CONVERTED—INFOR- MATION—TYPES: convertedInfo- Types Primitive 45:TYPE—OF—UA: typeOfUA Primitive 46:NON—DELIVERY—REA- SON: nonDelivery- Reason Primitive 47:TIME—OF—RECEIPT: timeOfReceipt Primitive 48:TYPE—OF—RECEIPT: typeOfReceipt Primitive 49:NON—RECEIPT—INFO: nonReceipt- Info Primitive 50:COMMENT: comment Primitive 51:MESSAGE— RETURNED—INDICATION: messageRe- turnedInd — 52:MESSAGE—TYPE: messageType Primitive 53:LANGUAGE: languageInd Primitive 54:REDIRECTED—FROM: redirected from Con- structor TABLE C—1/T.330 (end) TAPDUId/element ID Name Type Remarks 55: — — Not used 56: — — Not used 57: — — Not used 58:DS—MODE: dsMode Primitive 59:TLMAU—OPERATION: tLMAUOpera- tion Con- structor 60:AUTO—OUTPUT: autoOutput Con- structor 61: — — Not used 62:QUANTITY—OF—DOCS: quantityOf- Docs Primitive 63: Not assigned 64: Not assigned 65:SUBMISSION—ID: submissionId Primitive 66:PROBE—ID: probeId Primitive 67:MSG—INCOMPLETE: 68:SUPPLEMENTARY— INFORMATION: supplReceipt- Info SupplInfo Primitive 69:IPN—ORIGINATOR: IPNOriginator Primitive 70:PREFERRED—RECIPI- ENT: preferre- dRecipient Primitive 71:SUBJECT—IPM: subjectIPM Primitive 72:CONTENT— RETURNED—INDICATION: contentRe- turned — 73:EXPIRED—DISCARD: expiredDiscard Primitive 74:OBSOLETED—DIS- CARD: obsoletedDis- card Primitive 75:REPORTED—MES- SAGE—ID: reportedMes- sageId Primitive 76:AUTO—FWD—IPMS: autoFWDIPMs Primitive 77:AUTO—FWD—RECIPI- ENTS: autoFW- DRecipient Primitive 78:AUTO—FWD—HEAD- ING: autoFWD- Heading Con- structor For fur- ther study 79:AUTO—FWD—COM- MENT: autoF- WDComment Primitive 80:DELETE—AFTER—OUT- PUT: deleteAfter- Output Primitive 81:MESSAGE—DELETE— MODE: messageDele- teMode Primitive 82:MESSAGE—SELECTOR: messageSelec- tor Con- structor 83:MESSAGE—STATUS: messageStatus Primitive 84:TIME—OF—REPORT: timeOfReport Primitive Conventions: 1) Primitive: element contains only one component 2) Constructor: element contains more than one component 3) : space character ANNEX D (to Recommendation T.330) Element of service for TTX/IPM service intercommunication This PTXAU provides only the services listed in Table D—1/T.330 to telematic users. These services may be implemented using only the mhs— doc—xfer abstract operations: message send, message delivery, receipt sta- tus notice and delivery status notice. When a non—registered user attempts to access a service not within the PTTXAU set of services, then a subscription error will be returned. TABLE D—1/T.330 Element of service Referen ce Rec. F.400 Annex B F.400 Elements of service Message submissio n from TTX to PTTXAU Message delivery to TTX from PTTXAU Informati on gener- ated by PTTXAU B.5 Authorizing users indica- tion X B.6 Auto—forwarded indica- tion X B.8 Blind copy recipient indi- cation X B.9 Body part encryption indi- cation X B.12 Content type indication X X B.13 Conversion prohibition X X B.15 Converted indication X B.18 Cross—referencing indica- tion X B.21 Delivery notification X NA X B.22 Delivery time stamp indi- cation X X B.25 Disclosure of other recipi- ents X B.26 DL expansion history indi- cation X X B.29 Expiry date indication X B.31 Forwarded IP—message indication X B.32 Grade of delivery selection X X B.34 Implicit conversion X B.35 Importance indication X B.37 IP—message identification X B.38 Language indication X B.39 Latest delivery designation X B.41 Message indentification X B.45 Multi—destination deliv- ery X NA X B.46 Multi—part body X B.47 Non—delivery notification NA B.48 Non—receipt notification request indication X NA B.52 Obsoleting indication X B.54 Original encoded informa- tion types indication X X B.55 Originator indication X B.56 Originator requested alter- nate recipient X X B.62 Primary and copy recipi- ents indication X B.72 Reply request indication X B.73 Replying IP—message indication X B.80 Sensitivity indication X B.88 Subject indication X X B.89 Submission time stamp indication X NA No applicable X Applicable