Recommendation S.140 Add the following terms and definitions: 721.32.01 function control Control of an elementary operation to be performed by a device other than recording or printing a letter, figure, punctuation mark or graphic symbol contained in a message or in data. 721.32.02 function signal A set of signal elements used to transmit a function control. 721.32.03 control character A character whose occurrence in a particular context, initiates, modifies or stops an operation. Note 1 - A control character may be recorded for use in subsequent action. Note 2 - A control character is not a graphic character but may have a graphic representation in some circumstances. 721.32.04 translation (in telegraphy and data transmission) Function of a telegraph receiver in reestablishing the text of a message from the received signal, including the recording of the text. 721.32.05 selection (in a telegraph receiver) Primary operation of translation, by which the control function or thesymbol to be printed or translated is chosen automatically or not, from the received signal. 721.32.06 local record Display of a transmitted message made on a receiver associated with the transmitting apparatus. 721.32.07 format effector A function control used to insure a final lay-out of characters for printing or display. 721.32.09 carriage return A format effector that returns the printing or display position to the commencement point of the line. 721.32.10 case shift The change over of the translating mechanism of a telegraph receiving apparatus from one case of character to the other case of character. 721.32.11 letters case One of the cases into which the characters, predominantly letter characters and functions of a telegraph code with case shift are grouped. 721.32.12 letters shift A case shift resulting in a translation of signals as primary characters predominantly letter characters, or functions of letters case. 721.32.13 letter-shift signal The signal which conditions a telegraph receiver to translate all signals received as primary characters or functions or letters case. 721.32.14 figures case One of the cases into which the characters, predominantly numerals and signs, and functions of a telegraph code with case shift are grouped. 721.32.15 figures shift A case shift resulting in the translation of signals as secondary characters, predominantly figure characters, or functions of figures case. 721.32.16 figure-shift signal The signal which conditions a telegraph receiver to translate all signals received as secondary characters or functions of figures case. 721.32.17 space signal Signal corresponding to a code combination which causes the printing position to be advanced by the character pitch without printing. 721.32.19 erasure signal A signal used for the purpose of invalidating a previous signal. 721.32.20 "Who are you" signal (function); WRU signal Signal corresponding to a code combination which, when received by a telegraph terminal or data station causes an call-sign device to transmit an call-sign. 721.32.21 call-sign; answer-back code Unique sequence of characters identifying a particular telegraph terminal or data station. 721.32.28 identification request A transmission control used as a request for a response from a remote terminal; the response may include the terminal identification, or the state of the terminal. 721.32.35 device control A function control designed to control certain ancillary equipments associated with a terminal used in particular to switch such equipments on or off. 721.32.40 warning signal A function signal which operates an audible or visual calling device with a view to attracting attention. 721.32.47 switching signal telex-data A signal which switches a terminal from the telex mode to the data transmission mode. 34.025 local end (with its termination) That part of a connection including the apparatus, lines, telegraph repeaters and any control units between the apparatus and the first, or last point in that connection where the transmission quality can be measured.