Final Agenda -- X3T9.2 Meeting #87 April 23-24, 1990 -- St. Petersburg, FL 1. Opening Remarks 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Attendance and Membership 3.1 Roll Call of Members in Jeopardy 3.2 X3T9.2 Discrimination Allegation (X3T9.2/90-60 and 90-61) 4. Approval of Minutes - February Meeting Austin, TX (X3T9.2/90-045) 5. Document Distribution 6. Liaison Reports 6.1 ISO [Milligan] 6.1.1 Recommendation on U.S. position for the SCSI-2 ISO/IEC dp LB 6.2 IT8 [Lohmeyer] 6.3 SCSI-2 Common Access Method Committee Report [Allan] 6.4 Fiber Channel [Allan] 6.5 X3B7.1 Report 7. Review of Old Action Items 8. Working Group and/or Project Status Reports 8.1 ESDI [Allan] 8.2 SCSI General Working Group (X3T9.2/90-050) 8.3 Cable Impedance Working Group Meeting 4/23/90 [Lamers] 9. Old Business 9.1 Single-cable 16-bit SCSI (X3T9.2/90-48R1) [Tuesday Morning] 9.2 SCSI Transceivers [Murdock] 9.3 Packetized SCSI (X3T9.2/89-130R1) [Stephens] 9.4 Multi-Ported SCSI (X3T9.2/89-133R1) [Stephens] 9.5 Diagnostic Command Set (X3T9.2/90-022) [Pickford] 9.6 Paying for the SCSI-2 Editor 9.7 Additional SCSI Caching Control (X3T9.2/90-021R1) [Milligan] 10. New Business 10.1 Review of SCSI-2 Rev 10c 10.2 SCSI-3 Document Structure 10.3 Review of new documents 10.4 Agenda for the Providence Working Group 10.5 Project Proposal for AT Attachment Standard (X3T9.2/90-58) 10.6 Project Proposal for Common Access Method Standard (X3T9.2/90-57) 11. Review of Action Items 12. Meeting Schedule 12.1 General Working Group Schedule for 1990 12.2 Financing Plenary Meetings 13. Adjournment Minutes -- X3T9.2 Meeting #87 April 23-24, 1990 -- St. Petersburg, FL 1. Opening Remarks John Lohmeyer, the chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m., Monday April 23, 1990. He thanked Chuck Brill of AMP for hosting the meeting and he also thanked Classic Conferences for arranging the meeting. John also announced that Beth and Larry Lamers have a new son, Stephen Roman Lamers, born Thursday, April 19. He asked the committee's indulgence with the new father and thanked Beth for allowing Larry to travel so soon. As is customary, the people attending introduced themselves. A copy of the X3T9.2 membership list was circulated for attendance and corrections. Copies of the draft agenda and the recent document register were made available to those attending. Information on X3T9.2 and Mailing Subscription Forms were made available. 2. Approval of Agenda Items 3.2, 6.1.1, 10.4 and 10.5 had been added since the mailing was distributed. There was no objection to the revised agenda and no additional items were added at the meeting. 3. Attendance and Membership The new membership requirements were reviewed. X3 rules permit one vote per organization. An individual from a new organization must attend two consecutive plenary meetings. He/she may apply for voting membership the second meeting via a letter to the chairman of X3T9.2. The individual may vote at the second plenary meeting. Working group meetings do not count toward attendance requirements. The rule change requiring that the two meetings be consecutive has just gone into effect. Since the change was not previously publicized, John said he would honor new memberships at the April meeting under the old rules. The chairman indicated that since the last meeting, the following membership changes had occurred: Mr. Rafael Orsini has replaced Ms. Rita Lin as Sony's principal member. Rita has transferred to another group within Sony. John Trytko was added as an alternate member from Data General. Montrose Products Company has joined X3T9.2 with Richard Wagner as the principal member and Marjorie Bacis the alternate. Chris Pisciotta has replaced Michael Braitberg as the Exabyte principal member and Rex Vedder has replaced Chris Mulder as the Exabyte alternate. On the second day of the meeting, Furukawa Electric America, Inc. joined the committee with Terry Maezawa as the principal and Fred Yamamoto as the alternate. With the addition of Montrose Products and Furukawa Electric and the termination of Advanced Micro Devices and Flexstar for non-attendance (see 3.1 below) X3T9.2 voting membership remains at 67 organizations. Enclosure (1) is the list of attendees at the meeting. Enclosure (2) is the X3T9.2 membership changes since the last minutes and enclosure (3) is the current X3T9.2 membership list. 3.1 Roll Call of Members in Jeopardy The chairman said he had sent 39 jeopardy letters to 12 organizations: Advanced Micro Devices, AT&T, Burndy Corp., Ciprico Inc., Cirrus Logic Inc., Data General Corp., Distributed Logic Corp., Flexstar, Inc., JAE, LMS, Miniscribe Corp., and Storage Technology Corp/Aspen Peripherals. The letters said that these organizations had failed to attend two of the last three plenary meetings and that their membership would be terminated unless they attended the April plenary meeting. The letters also informed these people of the committee's ability to retain their membership under special circumstances in spite of their failure to attend. The Data General members were erroneously sent jeopardy letters as Bill Mathrani had attended the February meeting but was not included in the attendance list. The jeopardy letter sent to Timothy R. Feldman was returned marked that he had left the company. Members were present from all of the organizations in jeopardy except: Advanced Micro Devices and Flexstar, Inc., The principals and alternates from the non-attending organizations were changed to observer status. 3.2 X3T9.2 Discrimination Allegation (X3T9.2/90-60 and 90-61) John Lohmeyer presented two letters to the committee. One from Beth Stephens (90-60) saying that X3T9.2 discriminated against her at the February meeting and one he wrote in reply to Beth's letter (90-61). John indicated that he had spoken to Del Shoemaker about the matter and that he (John) would write a letter requesting the Standards Management Committee (SMC) to clarify the termination procedures and to provide guidelines regarding termination exceptions. 4. Approval of Minutes - February Meeting Austin, TX (X3T9.2/90-045) The February minutes were approved as written. 5. Document Distribution The chairman noted that the mailing had been delivered promptly (to him). He had received one report that some of the mailings had not gone out until April 13 and were consequently late. Members who have any problems with their mailing subscription should deal directly with Katrina at (202) 626-5741. John Lohmeyer requested that all documents for the May mailing be sent to him before May 15, 1990. The following new or revised documents were distributed and/or discussed at the meeting: Document Doc Date Author Description of Document ------------- -------- --------------- --------------------------------------- The current document register is enclosure (4). 6. Liaison Reports 6.1 ISO [Milligan] Gene Milligan provided the following report: A revised ESDI DP 10222, along with an editor's summary of revisions, needs to be completed. When available, the IR will submit the documents to ISO for a DIS letter ballot. Although the IPI-2 Tape DP 9318-5 letter ballot closed in February, We have not received any results. I have forwarded a follow up request to ANSI, IEC, X3, SC25 and WG4. As a result of requests made by X3T9.3 the IR sent a letter to Keith Brannon concerning the various IPI DIS 9318 documents which have been the subject of editorial comments exchanged directly between the ISO Central Secretariat's editor and the project editors. The letter provided a deadline by which time we would freeze our quest for editorial guidance and submit further documents to ISO based upon the freeze point. Brannon's secretary acknowledged the letter but advised that Keith was away on a short assignment. In the interim Roger Cummings has received editorial comments from Keith and accepted them on behalf of the X3T9 editors. Roger indicated final documents could be prepared on the basis of the comments. Roger further advised that an editors meeting had been arranged for the week of 23 April to appraise the other editors of the agreement. A SC 25 DP 10288 SCSI-2 letter ballot has been issued based upon Revision 10B. the letter ballot closes 15 June. A recommended U.S. vote with comments will need to be agreed to the week of 23 April. The IR will present the recommended U.S. vote at the SC25 TAG meeting 17 May in Washington DC. The Secretariat of SC25 has sent a letter to Fran Schrotter requesting that ANSI issue a JTC1 letter ballot to approve the NWI proposals for the The X3T9 IR is also submitting a NWI proposal for the FDDI SMF. As suggested at the last meeting the Berlin June meeting of WG4 has been canceled. The first meeting of WG4 has been scheduled for 7-10 January to abut the SC25 meeting in Las Vegas. As with numerous matters with this awkward merger and superfluous cooks, the nomination of Las Vegas for the SC25 meeting has created a scramble. The magnanimous invitation was made to coincide with Las Vegas's biggest convention. There are no rooms at the inn. However this difficult problem is being addressed by the SC25 TAG Secretariat, Judy Anderson, who seems to be an energetic, activated aide-de-camp. A DP letter ballot has also been issued for the FDDI HRC which closes 10 June. A recommended U.S. response to this ballot will also have to be agreed to this week. The DP number has not been assigned pending the outcome of the JTC1 NWI letter ballot. However the assignment to project 13 is a surprise. In what seems to be an exercise in futility JTC1 has initiated a surveillance effort to watch for bloc voting. We are also charged with helping watch for this unfair practice. Although the initial survey uncovered no evidence of bloc voting, the fact of the united Europe has stimulated continued vigilance. It is not clear if this is "belt and suspenders" or paranoia. If detected, it is difficult to imagine the remedy. The U.S. TAG assignments for SC25 have been approved. They are: EIA for SC25, WG1, and WG3; IEEE for WG2; and X3 for WG4. The X3T9 IR has submitted a list of experts for WG4. They are Dal Allan, Chuck Brill, Larry Lamers, John Lohmeyer, Gene Milligan, Floyd Ross, and Del Shoemaker. The letter also states that the list of experts will be amended for specific meetings dependent upon the agenda, location, and timing of specific meetings. Pursuant to the delays in establishing ISO/IEC NWIs the X3 Chair has sent a letter to ANSI objecting to their requirement to conduct a public review prior to approving new work items. Floyd Ross, the FDDI project editor, has submitted the FDDI PMD camera ready master for publication of IEC/ISO 9314-3 FDDI PMD. John Pickitt, President of CBEMA, presented well prepared testimony at a 3 April hearing on US Participation in International Standards. His testimony supported the current process and opposed increased government sponsorship and control of the process. For our work a surprising point in his testimony was that 95% of the voluntary standards are developed as international standards and then considered for adoption as a U.S. Standard. In the X3T9 purview the statistics are at least the reverse. 6.1.1 Recommendation on U.S. position for the SCSI-2 ISO/IEC dp LB SCSI-2 Revision 10b is at the ISO/IEC draft proposal letter ballot stage. John Lohmeyer suggested that the US position should be to recommend that the ISO/IEC document be replaced with the SCSI-2 Revision 10c document. There was no objection to making this recommendation to X3T9. John accepted an action item to bring this issue up at the X3T9 meeting. 6.2 IT8 [Lohmeyer] John Lohmeyer stated that George Battrick had informed him that the IT8 standard had been approved by ANSI as IT8.4-1989. George also requested that the appendix of SCSI-2 be updated to reflect this fact. 6.3 SCSI-2 Common Access Method Committee Report [Allan] Dal Allan reported. The primary action of the last CAM meeting was the generation of a request to X3T9.2 that the efforts of CAM committee be accepted and projects be initiated for ATA and Transport/SIM work. He presented the Project Proposals for these projects and explained the justifications for these projects (see 90-058 and 90-057). Robert Kellert questioned the validity of considering motions on the proposed projects since the items were not listed on the agenda sent out in the mailing. Gene Milligan pointed out that there is no rule preventing items being added after the mailing and these items were on the agenda approved at the start of the meeting. John Lohmeyer reminded the members that they had the right to object on the grounds of the "two- week" rule. No one choose to invoke this rule. Bill Spence asked how the committee could handle the new work since it has not demonstrated that it could handle past work items with a great deal of alacrity. He also questioned whether or not the work belongs in this committee. The chairman and vice-chairman responded that the resulting workload for the plenary group would probably not increase significantly. The working groups for the various projects would likely continue to meet separately to insure that no projects are slighted. Dal reminded the members that X3T9.2 is not only the "SCSI Committee"; it also is assigned the flexible disk and ESDI projects, which do not consume much time. In any case, SPARC ultimately decides where to assign the projects if they are approved. The project proposals merely make recommendations. The CAM group decided to not meet on Monday, May 7, 1990, as previously announced. 6.4 Fiber Channel [Allan] There have been three working groups since the last plenary meeting. Serialization and packetization in Fiber Channel are oriented to porting SCSI-2 and other command sets to Fiber Channel. Dal gave an impassioned plea for more people of the SCSI ilk to participate in Fiber Channel so that the needs of the low-cost market are addressed. The physical levels are being addressed at this time can significantly impact implementation cost. The February working group met during plenary week (after SCSI and IPI) and 62 people from 40 companies attended. The March working group was attended by 58 people from 42 companies. The switching working group was attended by 19 people. FC-2 is intended to be a fast and straight forward protocol, providing an 80% payload with full packet transfers on physical interfaces of 25 and 100 megabytes per second transfer rates. There are three classes of service offered: 1) Dedicated - nobody shares 2) Multiplexed - SCSI-like operation 3) Datagram - ship and pray The Fiber Channel assumes an end-end transmission, with the fabric, a switching complex, providing the paths. Within the fabric there is a need for some types of switches to communicate, and there is a special Intra-Fabric Communication frame. This has been an area of complexity for the protocol, and the biggest advance in the working groups has been its elimination as a source port responsibility. Instead, additional idle codes are inserted so that the fabric can generate its own frames. Other characteristics include: - 2,112 byte data field maximum (allows for a 2K byte memory transfer plus 64 bytes of encapsulation by an FC-3 application) - The 2KB blocksize does not introduce much inefficiency in overall speed, but does help the fabric reduce the latency in making connections to route transfers. - There can be a number of physical interface media; including copper, single-mode fiber, multi-mode fiber, and plastic fiber. - The loss budget of a particular combination of transmitter/receivers and medium allows the system integrator to choose between distance and number of connectors in a path. - An FC-0 appendix will recommend pinouts so that optical component suppliers and silicon suppliers can offer merchant parts with like pinouts. - The receiver of data dictates the size of frames that can be transferred. - There are several editors; FC-0 has a managing editor as there is one for each transmitter/receiver set. - The topology is not being defined by the committee but is a function of the fabric - at issue is how to implement the fairness rules for non-queuing switches such as active hubs. 6.5 X3B7.1 Report Dal Allan understands that there is a new chairman, George Canevit of ACT Technology. It is also possible that X3B7 may dissolve as an ASC standards committee and the activities of the working members be published through IDEMA (International Disk Equipment Manufacturers Association). 7. Review of Old Action Items 1. Larry Lamers will incorporate 89-145 and 89-146 into the SCSI-2 document. Complete. 2. Larry Lamers will add a note concerning alternative 16-bit and 32-bit solutions and the possible future deletion of the B cable into the SCSI-2 document. Complete. 3. John Lohmeyer will ask X3T9 to address the "blackout" period issue on availability of committee draft standards while they await publication. Complete -- This problem was corrected by the Friday following the last meeting. 4. Larry Lamers and John Lohmeyer will prepare SCSI-2 Rev 10c for the next committee mailing. Complete. 5. John Lohmeyer will take the public review responses to X3T9 for appropriate action. Complete. 6. John Lohmeyer will correct the minutes of the San Diego meeting (89- 149). Complete. 7. John Lohmeyer will send a set of mailing labels listing the January Cable Working Group meeting attendees to Peter Blackford. This action item and the next one were addressed by FAX and phone calls due to the short time available before the March meeting. 8. Peter Blackford will mail a letters to X3T9.2 participants of the cable working group stating that the March 5, 1990 cable working group is canceled. (See above.) 8. Working Group and/or Project Status Reports 8.1 ESDI [Allan] Dal Allan reported. The ANSI editor has returned a marked up document to the Technical Editor. The ANSI editor directed several items to X3T9.2 since these items were editorial in nature. The comments were directed at style issues e.g. was the meaning of a sentence changed by the insertion of a comma, and were not substantive in nature. 8.2 SCSI General Working Group (X3T9.2/90-050) Jeff Stai of Western Digital hosted a working group meeting in Costa Mesa, California March 6-7, 1990. Attendance was down to 25 people. Larry Lamers brought draft copies of SCSI-2 Rev 10c for review. The working group identified several minor typos and a few editorial improvements which were included in the final copy of Rev 10c for the mailing. One editorial improvement is a clarification that while a logical unit is being formatted it is not ready, regardless of whether the FORMAT UNIT command was issued with the immediate bit of one. The clarification was accomplished by moving the discussion of the not ready sense key ahead of the immediate bit discussion, thus removing the ambiguity. A rather vocal discussion of the Diagnostic Command Set (DCS) ended with several positive points and a resolution to put the DCS on the agenda for the May working group in Providence, RI. 8.3 Cable Impedance Working Group Meeting 4/23/90 [Lamers] Larry Lamers reported on the cable impedance working group meeting which was held Monday afternoon. Due to the time needed at Berk-Tek to get fixtures made for testing, not all the cable companies completed their testing. The testing is to be completed in time for the next working group meeting on May 7, 1990 in Providence, RI. Jim Fiala made a presentation on cable parameters that need to be specified for a good SCSI cable. Jim promised a complete report with parameters and guidelines at the June plenary meeting. 9. Old Business 9.1 Single-cable 16-bit SCSI (X3T9.2/90-48R1) [Tuesday Morning] John Lohmeyer asked about the availability of 68-conductor flat cable connectors to go from high-density bulkhead connectors to printed circuit boards internally. JAE indicated that they have such connectors using 25 mil centerline ribbon cable. 3M also has products that can meet this need using 50 mil centerline ribbon cable. It was pointed out that differential implementations may have problems with cross-talk when using flat ribbon cable over distances greater than 3-4 feet, depending on transfer rates. Tom Wicklund stated that shielded round 68-signal cable is a really long lead time. Currently there is no readily available solution for daisy chaining 68-conductor round cables. 9.2 SCSI Transceivers [Murdock] Gary Murdock reported that while the project is not in limbo, it is taking time and requested that it be removed from the agenda until further notice. 9.3 Packetized SCSI (X3T9.2/89-130R1) [Stephens] Gary Stephens presented a refined proposal that handles both parallel and serial transmission media. The logical structures and processing rules still need to be defined. Gary's proposal would use the two unused phases as NEXUS IN and NEXUS OUT phases to transfer the packets. The NEXUS OUT packets would contain all the information, including messages, be sent to the target. The NEXUS IN packets would contain all the information, including messages, to be sent to the initiator. These packets would be processed after the entire packet is received. The problem that must be solved is that SCSI-2 messages are dealt with in an asynchronous mode (that is, processed message-by-message -- not the asynchronous transmission mode). To fix this problem, several new messages are defined to deal with processing messages after the packet is received. Gary asked that the document get a serious review at the next working group meeting. John placed this topic on the agenda for Tuesday. 9.4 Multi-Ported SCSI (X3T9.2/89-133R1) [Stephens] Multi-porting is not addressed in SCSI-1 or SCSI-2. Gary Stephens presented a proposal for adding multi-porting in SCSI-3. A number of new or revised terms are defined to facilitate description of multi-porting. Tom Wicklund suggested that multi-porting really should be dealt with in the Fiber Channel group. Dal Allan stated that it may be a generic service at FC-3 for consistency across all implementations. 9.5 Diagnostic Command Set (X3T9.2/90-022) [Pickford] Doug Pickford is preparing a revision 1 of his document for the next working group at Providence, RI. The DCS will be on the agenda on Wednesday morning. Bill Spence asked Doug to give an overview of his view on whether DCS is converging toward consensus. Doug gave a brief recap of the working group topics. John summarized the major points raised during the working group discussion (reference 90-50, item 6). 9.6 Paying for the SCSI-2 Editor John recapped the current status on editing the SCSI-2 document and funding the effort. While it appears that technical committees will be permitted to collect funds for a number of purposes, CBEMA and SMC are still studying the topic. There have been no new developments on hiring a SCSI-2 editor to permit Larry Lamers to act as the SCSI-3 editor since the last meeting. 9.7 Additional SCSI Caching Control (X3T9.2/90-021R1) [Milligan] The revised (90-021R1) proposal will be revisited at the next working group in Providence, RI. 10. New Business 10.1 Review of SCSI-2 Rev 10c John Lohmeyer had prepared a new set of expository remarks for Rev. 10c which show the results of the public review period and list the editorial improvements made from Rev. 10b to Rev. 10c. He requested that further editorial corrections be handled during the final editing. Larry Lamers moved and Bill Medlinski seconded that SCSI-2 Revision 10c (X3T9.2/86-109 R10c) be submitted to X3T9 as the document which resolves the SCSI-2 public review comments without making substantive changes. It is recommended that X3T9 submit this document to X3 for their letter ballot. The motion passed: 42 yes and 0 no. John Lohmeyer accepted an action item to request that X3T9 submit SCSI-2 Rev 10c to X3 for the X3 letter ballot. 10.2 SCSI-3 Document Structure John outlined the current thinking on how the SCSI-3 documents should be structured. There would be one document for each proposed physical layer: one evolving the current physical layer and one that defines the SCSI packets for such interfaces as Fiber Channel. In addition, the command sets would be broken into two or more documents that collect similar interfaces. Current thinking is to create a block device standard and a stream device standard. Larry Lamers pointed out that the sequential-access command set really doesn't fit either of these models very well; while tapes are block devices, they are not direct-access. Also, many tapes have fixed block sizes, so they do not fit the stream model. Medium changers also do not fit these two proposed models very well. Splitting the document into several standards will require that the SCSI- 3 project proposal be replaced with several project proposals, one for each document. 10.3 Review of new documents (X3T9.2/90-059R0) [Penokie] RESERVE command conflict with the direct- access model. This is not an exact conflict because one refers to extent reservations and the other refers to unit reservations. Several people favored permitting all PREVENT ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL commands to be processed regardless of device reservations. They pointed to a statement in the PREVENT ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL command that says reservations and medium removal prevent are independent. Larry Lamers stated that this was not the intention of working group that developed the current wording, and that while the current wording needs clarification, only the PREVENT ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL command with a prevent bit of zero should be permitted through a reservation. Other thought the working group intentions were to make these concepts completely independent. John Lohmeyer offered to dig up the relevant working group minutes to see if they shed light on the working group intentions. This item was placed on the working group agenda to give time to do the research and because it is expected that George Penokie will be able to attend the working group meeting. (X3T9.2/90-062) [Lohmeyer] Initiator Control of Reselection Order. This proposal gives the initiator control of the reselection order by means of two new messages. One message tells a target not to perform a reselection. A second message allows the initiator to "re-select" the target to continue the I/O process. Bob Snively presented a case for using the PRE-FETCH command to perform this function. Tom Wicklund and Jim Patton took issue with this alternative due to seek delays and the fact that the target's buffer may be smaller than the request transfer length. Neither side convinced the other. The issue was finally assigned to the working group meeting. John said he would revise his document to further define the two proposed messages. (X3T9.2/90-064) [Ellis] Shielded Cable Evaluation. (See item 8.3.) (X3T9.2/90-065) [Fiala] Backward Crosstalk Testing Issues. (See item 8.3.) 10.4 Agenda for the Providence Working Group The following agenda items were identified for the Providence, RI working group meeting May 8-9, 1990: 1. Caching Proposal (90-021R1) [Milligan] 2. Diagnostic Command Set (90-022) [Pickford] {Wednesday a.m.} 3. Packetized SCSI (89-130R1) [Stephens] {Tuesday} 4. Multi-ported SCSI (89-133R1) [Stephens] {Tuesday} 5. SCSI-3 document structure [Lamers] 6. 16/32-bit cable issues (90-48R1) [Penokie] 7. Initiator control of reconnection (90-62) [Lohmeyer] 8. RESERVE command conflict with the direct-access model. (90-059R0) [Penokie] 9. Interaction on LOG SELECT TSD and DS bits (90-067) [Milligan] 10.5 Project Proposal for AT Attachment Standard (X3T9.2/90-58) Gene Milligan moved and Larry Lamers seconded that the AT Attachment Project Proposal (X3T9.2/90-58) be forwarded to X3T9 for further processing. There was discussion from Gary Stephens and Robert Snively on what AT Attachment is and whether it will be impacted by the IEEE Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) definition activity. The response was that the AT Attachment interface defines the drive interface which often is, at least, partially isolated from the AT bus (or ISA). Jim Patton summarized the forwarding motion as seeking permission to develop a standard for what the committee believes is an emerging I/O interface that could benefit from the standardization process. The motion passed: 36 yes and 0 no. 10.6 Project Proposal for Common Access Method Standard (X3T9.2/90-57) Dal Allan moved and Sam Karunanithi seconded that the Common Access Method Project Proposal (X3T9.2/90-57) be forwarded to X3T9 for further processing. Steve Cornaby questioned if X3T9 was the appropriate committee to deal with this activity. The chairman responded that SPARC makes the finally decision regarding committee assignment; our Project Proposal merely recommends that the project be assigned to X3T9. The CAM Committee did not know of a group better qualified for the project. The motion passed: 38 yes and 0 no. 11. Review of Action Items 1. John Lohmeyer will write a letter requesting SMC clarify the termination procedures and provide guidelines regarding termination exceptions. 2. John Lohmeyer will request that X3T9 recommend the US position on the ISO/IEC draft proposal letter ballot on SCSI-2 be that the document should be replaced with the SCSI-2 Revision 10c document. 3. John Lohmeyer will request that X3T9 submit SCSI-2 Rev 10c to X3 for the X3 letter ballot. 4. John Lohmeyer will submit the Common Access Method Project Proposal (X3T9.2/90-57) to X3T9. 5. John Lohmeyer will submit the AT Attachment Project Proposal (X3T9.2/90-58) to X3T9. 12. Meeting Schedule The next meeting of X3T9.2 will be June 18-19, 1990 at the Hilton Inn East in Wichita, KS (316) 686-7131 hosted by NCR. Please mention the X3T9/NCR meetings when making reservations to receive the group room rate of $75.00 single or $78.00 double, tax inclusive. The cut-off date for reservations is May 28, 1990. The plenary meeting schedule is: Date Location Host -------------------- ------------------------ --------------------- June 18-19, 1990 Wichita, KS NCR August 20-21, 1990 Denver, CO Hughes (*) October 15-16, 1990 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Boeing (*) December 3-4, 1990 San Jose, CA AMD (*) February 18-19, 1991 Dallas, TX EDS April 22-23, 1991 St. Petersburg, FL AMP (*) These meeting locations have changed and were selected at the February 23, 1990 X3T9 meeting. These meetings are being arranged by the individual hosts without Classic Conferences. Please do not call Classic Conferences regarding any meeting after the June 1990 meeting. 12.1 General Working Group Schedule for 1990 The Working Group Schedule is as follows: Date Location Host Comments ------------------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- May 7-11, 1990 Providence, RI Astro Cable {no CAM meeting} Jul 9-13, 1990 Rochester, MN IBM Sep 4-7, 1990 Denver, CO Storagetek {no CAM meeting} Oct 29-Nov 2, 1990 Austin, TX TI These week-long meetings are to be divided as follows: Monday SCSI CAM Committee (except May & Sept. 1990) IPI-3 (May 1990) Cable Working Group starting at 1:00 (May 1990) Tuesday-Wednesday SCSI Working Group HPPI (May 1990) Thursday-Friday Fiber Channel 12.2 Financing Plenary Meetings X3T9 is still investigating how future meetings should be financed and arranged. Larry Lamers had prepared a document for review at X3T9 on Friday. Our association with Classic Conferences has been terminated following the June 1990 meeting. The remaining 1990 meetings are being arranged by hosts. The chairman requested that people do not call Classic Conferences about any meetings after the June meeting; they will not be able to help. 13. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon Tuesday April 24, 1990. Meeting Attendees - Enclosure (1) Name Status Organization ------------------------------ ------ ------------------------------ Mr. James Fiala V 3M Mr. Robert C. Herron A 3M Company Mr. John Knudson S 3M Company Mr. George T. Hahn Jr. A Adaptec, Inc. Mr. Charles Brill P AMP, Inc. Mr. Bob Whiteman A AMP, Inc. Ms. Nancy Waterman V Amphenol Interconnect Mr. Ed Young O Archive Corp. Mr. Peter M. Blackford P Astro Cable Company Mr. Joe Lawlor P AT&T Mr. John Ellis P Berk-Tek, Inc. Mr. David Barnum P Burndy Corp. Mr. Bruce Debree O C&M Corp. Mr. John Guennewig P Cinch Connector Mr. Bharat Shah P Cipher Data Products, Inc. Mr. Thomas Wicklund P Ciprico Inc. Mr. Robert Kellert P Cirrus Logic Inc. Mr. Wayne Douglas V CMS Mr. Stephen R. Cornaby O Conner Peripherals Mr. Bobby Chi O Convergent Technology Mr. Sam Pendleton P Data General Corp. Mr. Douglas Hagerman A Digital Equipment Corp. Mr. Rudy Stalzer A Digital Equipment Corp. Mr. Del Shoemaker L Digital Equipment Corp. Mr. Fred Zayas V Digital Equipment Corp. Mr. Ed Haske A Distributed Logic Corp. Mr. Dave Kuszmaul O DPT Mr. John D. Walden P E.I. DuPont Inc. Mr. Stephen Fitzgerald P Eastman Kodak Co. Mr. Paul Hanmann P Emulex Corp. Mr. I. Dal Allan P ENDL Mr. Jack Yu O Foxconn Mr. John C. Onia A Fujitsu America, Inc. Mr. Terry Maezawa P Furukawa Electric Amer, Inc. Mr. Kenneth Post P Future Domain Mr. Kurt Chan P Hewlett Packard Co. Mr. Mike Peper A Hewlett Packard Co. Mr. Oscar Kornblum A Hirose Electric U.S.A. Mr. Howard Wang V Hitachi Dr. Sam Karunanithi P Hitachi Micro Systems, Inc. Mr. Gary R. Stephens A IBM Corp. Mr. Paul Anderson A IBM Corp. Mr. Frank Bob V IBM Corp. Mr. Chris Nieves P ICL North America Mr. Gary Fredrickson O ICL North America Mr. Steve Kappes O Interphase Corp. Mr. Paul Jackson A Iomega Corp. Mr. Edward Rudoy O ITT Cannon Mr. Ted Dubbs O ITT Cannon Mr. D. Shaff A JAE Meeting Attendees - Enclosure (1) Name Status Organization ------------------------------ ------ ------------------------------ Mr. William Homans P LMS-TSD Mr. Robert Bellino P Madison Cable Corp. Mr. Brian A. Morissette V Madison Cable Corp. Mr. Lawrence J. Lamers P Maxtor Corp. Mr. Bob Masterson P Methode Electronics, Inc. Ms. Laura Shellhamer P Miniscribe Corp. Mr. Jim McGrath A Molex Inc. Ms. Marjorie Bacis A Montrose Products Company Mr. Andrew Jue P National Semiconductor Mr. Gary Murdock S National Semiconductor Mr. John Lohmeyer P NCR Corp. Mr. Bruce Anderson P NEC Tech. Inc. Mr. Thomas R. Marks O NEK/Helix Cable, Inc. Mr. Bill Medlinski A Panasonic, MECA-BEC Mr. Ed Cieniawa A Panduit Corp. Mr. Gregorio Rodriguez A Ricoh Corporation Mr. Gerald Houlder A Seagate Technology Mr. Gene Milligan A Seagate Technology Mr. Michael Britch O Standard Microsystems Corp. Mr. Dennis Appleyard P Storage Technology Corp. Mr. Robert N. Snively P Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mr. Pete Tobias A Tandem Computer Inc. Mr. Tom Gardner O Technology Forums, Ltd. Mr. D. W. Spence P Texas Instruments Mr. Harvey Waltersdorf P Thomas & Betts Mr. Peter Dougherty P UNISYS Mr. James Patton P Visqus Mr. Doug Pickford A Western Digital Mr. Erik Jessen O Western Digital Mr. Bud Sherman V Western Digital Mr. Roy D. Pinckney V Yamaichi Electronics Inc. Mr. Thomas R. Colligan A Zenith Data Systems 82 people present Status Key: P - Principal Member A - Alternate Member L - Liaison O - Observer S,V - Visitor