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Message Authentication Codes
A message authentication code (MAC), also known as a data authentication code (DAC), is a one-way hash function with the addition of a secret key (see Section 18.14). The hash value is a function of both the pre-image and the key. The theory is exactly the same as hash functions, except only someone with the key can verify the hash value. You can create a MAC out of a hash function or a block encryption algorithm; there are also dedicated MACs.
Think of a symmetric algorithm as a safe. The key is the combination. Someone with the combination can open the safe, put a document inside, and close it again. Someone else with the combination can open the safe and take the document out. Anyone without the combination is forced to learn safecracking.
In 1976, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman changed that paradigm of cryptography forever [496]. (The NSA has claimed knowledge of the concept as early as 1966, but has offered no proof.) They described public-key cryptography. They used two different keysone public and the other private. It is computationally hard to deduce the private key from the public key. Anyone with the public key can encrypt a message but not decrypt it. Only the person with the private key can decrypt the message. It is as if someone turned the cryptographic safe into a mailbox. Putting mail in the mailbox is analogous to encrypting with the public key; anyone can do it. Just open the slot and drop it in. Getting mail out of a mailbox is analogous to decrypting with the private key. Generally its hard; you need welding torches. However, if you have the secret (the physical key to the mailbox), its easy to get mail out of a mailbox.
Mathematically, the process is based on the trap-door one-way functions previously discussed. Encryption is the easy direction. Instructions for encryption are the public key; anyone can encrypt a message. Decryption is the hard direction. Its made hard enough that people with Cray computers and thousands (even millions) of years couldnt decrypt the message without the secret. The secret, or trapdoor, is the private key. With that secret, decryption is as easy as encryption.
This is how Alice can send a message to Bob using public-key cryptography:
Notice how public-key cryptography solves the key-management problem with symmetric cryptosystems. Before, Alice and Bob had to agree on a key in secret. Alice could choose one at random, but she still had to get it to Bob. She could hand it to him sometime beforehand, but that requires foresight. She could send it to him by secure courier, but that takes time. Public-key cryptography makes it easy. With no prior arrangements, Alice can send a secure message to Bob. Eve, listening in on the entire exchange, has Bobs public key and a message encrypted in that key, but cannot recover either Bobs private key or the message.
More commonly, a network of users agrees on a public-key cryptosystem. Every user has his or her own public key and private key, and the public keys are all published in a database somewhere. Now the protocol is even easier:
In the first protocol, Bob had to send Alice his public key before she could send him a message. The second protocol is more like traditional mail. Bob is not involved in the protocol until he wants to read his message.
Hybrid Cryptosystems
The first public-key algorithms became public at the same time that DES was being discussed as a proposed standard. This resulted in some partisan politics in the cryptographic community. As Diffie described it [494]:
The excitement public key cryptosystems provoked in the popular and scientific press was not matched by corresponding acceptance in the cryptographic establishment, however. In the same year that public key cryptography was discovered, the National Security Agency (NSA), proposed a conventional cryptographic system, designed by International Business Machines (IBM), as a federal Data Encryption Standard (DES). Marty Hellman and I criticized the proposal on the ground that its key was too small, but manufacturers were gearing up to support the proposed standard and our criticism was seen by many as an attempt to disrupt the standards-making process to the advantage of our own work. Public key cryptography in its turn was attacked, in sales literature [1125] and technical papers [849,1159] alike, more as though it were a competing product than a recent research discovery. This, however, did not deter the NSA from claiming its share of the credit. Its director, in the words of the Encyclopedia Britannica [1461], pointed out that two-key cryptography had been discovered at the agency a decade earlier, although no evidence for this claim was ever offered publicly.
In the real world, public-key algorithms are not a substitute for symmetric algorithms. They are not used to encrypt messages; they are used to encrypt keys. There are two reasons for this:
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