Raw ideas concerning the approach of tagging in Oddmuse wiki. I have the idea to enhance it for my own use but I'm still wondering how ? The current module for tagging in Oddmuse is only supporting single word tag and the way for tagging is too heavy for my use.
Just the interface… The backend is another story (as you can see below regarding the potential datastore).
The interface is a minimalist POST/GET interface with the following approach :
If the url is not existing for the specific tuple (key,url) , the entry is added, with the corresponding tags.
If the url is existing for the specific tuple (key,url) tags are added for the non-existing one but we add access stats per existing tag.
The service could be used by webmaster lacking tagging on their web application but also for client-side tagging. The advantage is to share the two uses : server side and client side. That permits to share the result in the community share.