Malware Distributed Monitoring
Executive Summary
Malware Distributed Monitoring is a project to design, implement and deploy a distributed monitoring network for, at least, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg in order to have a real-time overview of the computer security situation in the country.
- CSRRT-LU - Computer Security Research and Response Team Luxembourg
- MINECO - Ministère de l'Economie et du Commerce extérieur
- CRP-HT - Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor
- + A selected list of (i)SP hosting with at least one monitoring node
Resources Required
- At least one full-time software developer (req. TBD) for a period of 2 to 3 years,
- A physical location for the full-time software developer with Internet connectivity,
- Hardware 25.000 EUR for the first year,
- 15.000 EUR for the second year and 15.000 EUR for the last year (mainly for the deployment of the infrastructure).
Scope and Responsabilities
- CSRRT-LU - Scientific advisory, general planning and project leader
- MINECO - Institutional interface and advocacy group leader
- CRP-HT - Logistic leader and scientific partner
General Rules for the project
- The platform must be open to all technologies and partners
- A high-level of privacy regarding the collecting node must be respected in the scope of the Internet users but also the service provider for the data collected
- The collection is limited to unused IP/network ranges and specific network defined by the guest hosting the node
- Results of the security situation could be anonymized if required
- All results and development of the project must be public except when agreed to be confidential by _all the partners_