Stuff to Read
Books to buy
- The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense by Peter Szor - AWLP - ISBN 0321304543 (alternate, search)
- Defense and Detection Strategies against Internet Worms by Jose Nazario, Nazario Artech house - ISBN 1580535372 (alternate, search)
- - To use for moving the old Phpwiki content to oddmuse and use only Emacs for Editing.
- Canopus dans Argo : Archives / Doris Lessing
- Mémoires d'une survivante : roman / Doris Lessing
- - The Art of Project Management
- - UNIX Network Programming third edition (an updated version of R. Stevens book)
- ISBN 1558608893 (alternate, search) Open Source Development Handbook Innovation Happens Elsewhere,Ron Goldman, Richard P. Gabriel, Morgan Kaufmann
- ISBN 0201788977 (alternate, search) Mobile Ipv6, Hesham Soliman, Addison Wesley
Stuff to add in the RDF reader
Stuff to listen
EUCD stuff